Faculty of Arts. The Centre for Heritage Research, University of Leeds, presents A Collaborative Seminar: First World War Archives in the Yorkshire Region. Supported by the Faculty of Arts, University of Leeds,.
Faculty of Arts. Centre for Heritage Research aims 1.to serve as a platform for historical and heritage research and interpretation on material culture, museum collections and documentary heritage in the University, City of Leeds and Yorkshire region 2. to identify possible collaborative research projects on heritage resource by liaising with prospective partner organizations and holding open seminars in conjunction with them 3. to seek funding for collaborative research projects in conjunction with relevant host Schools/departments at the University of Leeds.
Faculty of Arts. Seminar Aims: i) to explore the regional archive holdings relating to the First World War, especially Leeds. ii) to bring researchers of the First World War into contact with archivists. iii) to facilitate future collaborative work on the First World War, especially for the Leeds area.
Faculty of Arts. Schedule 3pm - welcome and introductions 3.15 – archivist presentations 4.30 – tea break 4.45 – further archivist presentations general discussion 6pm - wine reception & networking 7pm - close
Faculty of Arts. Related First World War issues 1. University of Leeds involvement 2. First World War Art Sir Dugald Clerk, Yorkshire College graduate, Admiralty Director of engineering research, 1916–17. Barr & Stroud Range-finder, Leeds Francis Martin, “Through”, 1917
Faculty of Arts. Personal interests in WW1 Hello Central! Give Me No Man's Land "Hello, Central! Give me No Man's Land, My daddy's there, my mamma told me; She tip-toed off to bed After my prayers were said; Don't ring when you get the number, Or you'll disturb mamma's slumber. I'm afraid to stand here at the 'phone 'Cause I'm alone. So won't you hurry; I want to know why mamma starts to weep When I say, 'Now I lay me down to sleep'; Hello, Central! Give me No Man's Land.“ US song of telephonic bereavement 1918 UK postcard, telephone romance, First World War
Faculty of Arts. Discussion and conclusions Collaborative opportunities between University and Archives Funding to support: e.g. AHRC knowledge transfer & PhDs Projects: e.g. a study of Leeds during the First World War. Future seminars: WW1 Art? The University in the Great War? University First World War Project launch: Tuesday 15 th June
Faculty of Arts.