Vote for Jaime Teo as your Vice Head Councillo r
Why Jaime Teo? Willing to serve everyone Caring towards everyone
J.A.I.M.E Joyful Authentic Integrity Meticulous Enthusiastic
More about Jaime Teo… I have enjoyed being a prefect. Hope to be an even better councillor. Hope to achieve more for the school.
If I am elected as Vice Head Councillor, I will… Help to make the school a fun place Work towards school improvement.
What Council means to me? Dictionary: A party of people who work together to improve the lives of citizens in a community. To make a better community. Me: A party of people who work together with the citizens to seek out the wants and opinions of all in the community and put it to action.
Some Council Values
Your Vote Counts! United we stand, Divided we fall! VOTE FOR JAIME TEO as your Vice Head Councillor
For Jaime Teo Thank you!