NCAA Athletics Get Eligible!
Do you wish to participate in Division I or II Athletics? If you plan on participating in NCAA Division I or II athletics, you need to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. You need to qualify academically and you need to be cleared as an amateur student athlete. You are responsible for achieving & protecting your eligibility status!
What is the NCAA Eligibility Center? Initial Eligibility Center is the organization that determines whether prospective college athletes are eligible to participate in sports at Division I or Division II schools. »Review Core Courses »Review SAT/ACT scores »Review GPA
Division I (16 Core Classes) 4 years of English 3 years of Math (Algebra I or higher) 2 years of Social Science 2 years of Natural/Physical science 1 year of additional English, Math or Science 4 years of additional courses (anything above or foreign language) Refer to back page for list of Core Courses
Division II (14 Core Classes) 3 years of English 2 years of Math (Algebra I or higher) 2 years of Social Science 2 years of Natural/Physical Science 2 years additional English, Math or Science 3 years of additional courses (anything above or foreign language) Refer to back page for list of Core Courses
Approved Core Classes at UDHS English: American Literature I AP English Literature American Literature II Creative Writing World Literature Adv. Creative Writing British LiteratureAdv. Speech/Debate Speech/Debate Math: Algebra ICalculus Algebra IICalculus BC GeometryProbability & Statistics Math AnalysisAP Statistics
Approved Core Classes at UDHS Natural/Physical Science: BiologyEarth & Space ChemistryChemistry II Environmental SciencePhysics Human Anatomy & Physiology Forensic Science Social Science: US History IAP Microeconomics US History IIPsychology World HistoryLaw Government/EconomicsAP European History American Pres./War & Peace
Approved Core Classes at UDHS Other Core Courses: French I - APGerman I - AP Latin I - APSpanish I – AP *** Note electives which are not approved ***
Test Scores & GPA Division I Refer to Sliding Scale for test score & GPA (Sheet found in back of packet) Division II GPA minimum of 2.0 of approved Core Courses SAT score of 820 or ACT sum score of 68 (no sliding scale)
Checklist Check with your guidance counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate with the required amount of core courses Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center in 11 th or 12 th grade** Complete the amateurism questionnaire Send SAT/ACT scores directly to Eligibility Center using code “9999”
Checklist Send your transcripts to the Eligibility center at the beginning & the end of Senior Year Print out 2 Transcript Request Authorization Forms: Preliminary Copy Final Graduation Copy Refer to Procedure Checklist in rear of packet
NCAA Eligibility Center PO Box 7136 Indianapolis, IN