Creativity and Madness: In light of Chakra 5 Today’s Agenda: LEC PPT (1:15) 2 nd Inquiry (1:20 mins)
Creativity and Madness: In light of Chakra 5 Pick one quote that resonates with you… Write it down and then we chat about it…
Creativity and Madness: In light of Chakra 5 Vishuddha Pure consciousness and creativity The person whose Vishuddha chakra is active and in harmony will seek true knowledge that is beyond time, cultural and hereditary limitations. Resonating with this type of energy the individual can seek freedom from the tempests of the world and the problems raised by the ego. The idea of cosmic consciousness is also connected to this center of force
Perfect Wisdom. Driven by this consciousness, the person is pulled to live in the perfection of wisdom based not faith or belief, but on… Direct Experience
In the Flow. Embracing such a consciousness requires accelerating the process of transcending ego… Toward living intuitively with greater openness to the SPG.
Madness and Creativity. Madness and creativity can look alike, but the creative muse who taps into 5 th Chakra consciousness is crazier, but saner. In concert with the mad, those who vibrant with 5 th chakra consciousness curve in on themselves relying on feelings and intuition to guide them rather than societal or community standards.
Willing Suspension of Disbelief While we transcend ego beginning in the 4 th chakra consciousness, extending through the 7 th, we must remember we first need a worldly ego. But with that said, 4 th chakra consciousness and beyond requires us to suspend consensual reality, integrating ground energies throughout our psychic apparatus. While the mentally ill on the other hand, cannot - a-la - triggering symptoms of the (psychiatric kind).
Courting Divinity Ideally, the self expands gradually as it masters the tasks of each chakra, then undergoes rapid and dramatic transformations once it is strong enough to the confront its next phase of life. However, mental illness can cause sudden breakthroughs into higher levels, regressions, to lower levels, or both. For the individual who then enters the 5 th chakra, is in a curious position as he/she becomes acutely aware of torment or titillation… As the creative energies that can accompany 5 th chakra consciousness require shaping, forming, and releasing.
Releasing Divinity As the submerged contents of his/her personal sub-consciousness become fully aired, he or she then becomes convinced of the Ground’s benign nature, here our apparitions or whatever, become transformed into genuine visages, laden with deep meanings and possibilities.
Into the Past, Future, Present and Back Again Ultimately, the individual, forfeits his personal identity during moments of intuitive absorption, and tunes into “higher sources” from which all spawns and eventually returns…
Video Clip: Elizabeth Gilbert: Creative genius Can you feel what she is pointing to ? … ?
Break Afterwards 2 nd Inquiry