ONLINE MARKETING PLAN © 2010® All rights reserved. rdc_listing presentation_excerpt_101910
90% of consumers use the internet to search for their home Reach the widest audience of potential buyers. More buyers = better chance of finding one willing to meet your terms, price and desired closing date. ONLINE MARKETING PLAN OBJECTIVES Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 2009
94.3% of recent movers said the internet was becoming more important than print. NEW MOVER SURVEY Source: Conducted by DME, Inc. for ® Findings, April 2008 YES – 94.3% NO – 4.7%
36% OF BUYERS FOUND A HOME VIA THE INTERNET - UP FROM 8% IN 2001 Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 2009
Signs 12% Print ads 2% Internet 36% : Internet surpassed print ads 2004: More buyers found their home on internet than from signs NAR 2009 PROFILE OF HOME BUYERS & SELLERS HOW BUYERS FOUND THEIR HOME Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, : The internet is THREE TIMES as powerful as signs
For illustrative purposes. Varies by broker and region. BEST OF ALL WORLDS BUYERS WHO ARE JUST ON REALTOR.COM ® BUYERS WHO SEARCH OUR LOCAL SITE AND REALTOR.COM ® PRINT ADS BUYERS SEARCH OUR LOCAL WEB SITE I market to buyers who are on our site PLUS buyers who have not yet picked a broker.
TOTAL MONTHLY MINUTES SPENT ONLINE (NATIONWIDE COMPARISON, in millions) Source: comScore Media Metrix, September 2010 I focus on ® - where more consumers spend the most time 232
The ® Facebook ® application is a non-intrusive way that I can keep my network apprised of your listing SOCIAL NETWORKING
Because ® has millions of listings… I will make yours stand out
MOBILE BUYER MARKETING PLAN Buyers driving through the neighborhood can: - Find your home, get directions and a map - Connect with me in one “click” to get details and make an appointment HOW WILL I SHOWCASE YOUR HOME TO THE MOST BUYERS? Buyers who already want this location find me through ® iPhone marketing.
HOW WILL I SHOWCASE YOUR HOME TO THE MOST BUYERS? Enable your home to rise to the top of the search above all other homes by adding more photos
I place my cell phone on multiple points to increase buyer calls for your property HOW WILL I SHOWCASE YOUR HOME TO THE MOST BUYERS?
I will make your home stand out with a video or virtual tour Over 173 million Americans watch videos on the internet every month Source: comScore, January 2010: Top U.S. Video Properties by Videos Viewed.
ONLINE LISTING PERFORMANCE REPORT Weekly tracking report shows how many buyers are looking at your home
Thousands of home buyers sign-up for home search assistance on ® each month BUYER ASSIST BY REALTOR.COM ®
I’m one of only 2 agents positioned on ® in the zip code where your home is located to help buyers search for a home. BUYER ASSIST BY REALTOR.COM ®
This exclusive program enables me to guide home buyers towards the purchase of a home during a critical phase of their search BUYER ASSIST BY REALTOR.COM ®
I can make your home the first one buyers see FEATURED HOMES™ MARKETING SYSTEM SM
Triple the number of buyers who see your home
FEATURED HOMES™ MARKETING SYSTEM SM Exclusive position gets your home seen before all others