Tetris AI 팀원 김유섭 ( ) 류동균 ( ) 임성훈 ( )
Index 1.What is a Tetris? 2.Implementation method 3.Choice Of Algorithm 4.Genetic Algorithm
What is a Tetris?
Implementation method Hole is a negative element.
Implementation method Height is a negative element.
Implementation method Complete Line is a positive element.
Implementation method Which is the best position?
Implementation method Variable of a hole is ‘x’ Variable of a height is ‘y’ Variable of a line is ‘z’ Weighted value
Choice of algorithm Which is the best algorithm for Tetris? Genetic AlgorithmArtificial Neural Network
Choice of algorithm Artificial Neural Network Input Output
Choice of algorithm Gene pool Select Gene Crossing Mutation
Genetic algorithm Roulette Selection Area is Fitness. If area greater than other, it is selected with a high probability.
Genetic algorithm One-Point Crossing Selected Gene Child Gene Mutation