B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Better Together 2.0 Plan West Enterprise & Commercial Kim Wallace | NetApp FlexPod BDM Claude Steinmayer | NetApp FlexPod BDM David Pugh | Cisco FlexPod BDM B etter T ogether 2.0
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Goal o Increase the number of Cisco & NetApp account managers selling FlexPod by XX% o Increase FlexPod Pipeline by XX% Overview B etter T ogether 2.0 Purpose Bring local Cisco and NetApp account teams together to learn about the key value proposition of our joint solutions, and drive alignment through building relationships and account planning Format o 2 hour In-Person per session o Joint Value Education o Account Planning o Hosted in 6 West Cities o Food and Mingling Audience o Cisco & NetApp Account Teams o Enterprise & Commercial
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Session Agenda 3:30 – 3:40 (10 min) | Executive Kick-Off Bob/Paul provide kick-off to the partnership include their endorsement of our teams working together 3:40 – 3:55 (15 min) | Introductions All attendees provide name, company, role 3:55 – 4:05 (10 min) | Better Together Overview Short overview of why Cisco/NetApp are better together, and how teams can leverage the FlexPod solution to provide value to their accounts. 4:05 – 4:20 (15 min) | Winning with FlexPod Cisco/NetApp AMs provide details of recent FlexPod win, partnering strategy, and any additional (John Mize, CSE) 4:20 – 5:20 (60 min) | AM & PSS / SE & CSE Break-Out AM / PSS Account Planning Will be prepared with both account mapping lists as well as current Cisco/NetApp pipeline to discuss. May include FlexPod Refresh data and execution plan as well. SE / CSE Technical Deeper Dive SE teams to join together to go deeper on joint Cisco/NetApp technology. 5:20 + | Off-Site Happy Hour Food, Drinks, Snacks to be provided to enable teams to mingle.
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Target Cities Phoenix | Thurs / Dec 4 | Cisco Phoenix Office Denver | Tues / Dec 9 | Cisco Englewood Office Irvine | Weds / Dec 10 | Cisco Irvine Office Glendale | Thurs / Dec 11 | Cisco Glendale Office San Jose | Tues / Dec 16 | NetApp Sunnyvale Office Bellevue | Thurs / Dec 18 | NetApp Bellevue Office
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Timeline Regional Leadership Alignment Scott/Elaine Solidify Cisco/NetApp team relationships and account mapping Account Mapping Account mapping created between Cisco/NetApp Sales teams Content and Speakers Confirm presented content and local Speakers Registration and Logistics Determine cities, Create Invites, Drive local teams to accept and attend Demand Generation Events Coordinate local Demand Generation Events that local teams can drive Account Follow-up FlexPod BDMs to schedule time with local teams to follow-up & Coach B etter T ogether 2.0
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 White-Space MSFT/SAP Upgrade Account Planning Account Account List FlexPod Refresh + + Joint Account Planning Guide Mapping Account Targets Account Planning Account List = Winning Strategy
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 Key Asks for Each AM Identify 1 – 2 Target Accounts to jointly plan using provided account planning guide Maintain Monthly Cadence with Cisco/NetApp counterpart after completed session Commit a $100K FlexPod Deal in by April 24, get a customized NFL Jersey with your name on it!
B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0 B etter T ogether 2.0