Carr & Kemmis in Becoming Critical 1986, p. 200 democracy, equity, equality, integration, inclusion, participation Study circle dialogue, partnership swe. samtal ´COLLABORATIVE AND ACTION RESEARCH´
Action Research Teachers as researchers Practitioner research Participatory (action) research Action research for bildung/ Bildung for action research
bildung – folk enlightenment - pedagogy research circles participatory research and action research in studies of working life action research in educational settings
Teacher Student The content
Nurturing praxis 2008, p. 279
4 Action research and the paradox of school reform: Lessons from Finland Petri Salo and Peter Johnson 5Understanding school change: When reform meets tradition Anette Olin 6 Action research and the empowerment of teachers in Icelandic schools Penelope Lisi & Sigurlina Davidsdottir 7 Municipality school evaluation: A tools for accountability, learning and professional development? Monica Nyvaller 8 Deliberative communication between university and schools trough action research Elisabeth Hesslefors Arktoft 9 Learning action learning: A strategy for individual and collective change? Tor Vidar Eilertsen and Rachel Jakhelln NURTURING PRAXIS - CONTENTS
10 Teachers regaining their power: Professional development trough action learning Eli Moksnes Furu 11 Empowering teachers: Action research in partnership between teachers and a researcher Karin Rönnerman 12 Action research trough dialogue conferences Torbjørn Lund 13 Collaboration for enabling praxis in special needs education Ann Ahlberg 14 Opportunities to develop professionally: Compulsory school teachers` f ormation of identities as teachers-researchers Niklas Gustafson 15 Focus on the cultural dimension in the education of English as a foreign language: A case of professional and educational development Liselott Forsman NURTURING PRAXIS - CONTENTS