F. Savary. FSY - ColUSM #51 – 2015-01-30 2 Outline Mandate of the review panel Composition of review panel Programme Main outcomes/recommendations Actions.


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Presentation transcript:

F. Savary

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Outline Mandate of the review panel Composition of review panel Programme Main outcomes/recommendations Actions launched

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Mandate ( 1. To review the basic design of the 11 T dipole, taking into account magnetic, mechanical and thermal operating conditions in the LHC P2: is the design meeting the targets with sufficient margin? Does the experience of the first R&D phase at Fermilab and CERN (and of ten years of LARP & USA magnet basic programs) support the chosen specifications and the feasibility of meeting them with adequate margin? 2. Is the engineering design including the 3D interfaces to other systems, namely the cold- warm-cold by-pass lodging the collimation system, sufficiently developed to assess that there be no show stoppers in the construction of the magnetic part, the cold mass assembly, the cryostating, and the installation and integration in the machine? Is the protection and circuit integration sufficiently analysed? 3. Is the final design taking stock of the best features demonstrated in the two development lines, i.e. FNAL and CERN? 4. Is the plan for models and prototypes well thought? Is the preliminary construction plan credible? 5. Are the design and manufacturing plans sufficiently well developed to engage in the upcoming significant procurements, i.e. Nb 3 Sn strand and cable procurement and production, and magnet components procurement (collars, yoke, shells, etc.)? 6. Is there any specific area in which the project is running important technical or managerial risks?

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Composition of the review panel Akira Yamamoto (KEK-CERN, Chair) Joe Minervini (MIT, Co-Chair) Giorgio Apollinari (Fermilab) Jim Kerby (ANL) Shlomo Caspi (LBNL) Arnaud Devred (ITER) Not present, asked to provide comments per

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Program CERN, 8 to 10 December, 2014) Monday morning Welcome and introduction, Rossi L. The collimation project, Redaelli S. Overview of the 11T dipole project, Savary F. Beam specifications, Giovannozzi M. Electromagnetic design, Izquierdo Bermudez S. Mechanical design, Lackner, F. Quench protection, Izquierdo Bermudez S. Monday afternoon 11T cable development and procurement strategy at CERN, Bordini B. Design of the cryo-assembly, Duarte Ramos D. Design of the 6 m cold mass assembly, Prin H. 11T dipole electrical circuit, Grand-clément L. Powering, Thiesen H. ELQA and protection in the machine, Verweij A. Tuesday morning Analysis of the production data from CERN – Part 1, Smekens, D. Analysis of the production data from CERN – Part 2, Löffler C. Design features of FNAL 11T dipole models and analysis of the production data from FNAL, Nobrega A. Visit of the large magnet laboratory in B180 Visit of the magnet facility in B927 Tuesday afternoon Powering tests results, Willering G. Magnetic measurements and analysis at CERN, Fiscarelli, L., Dunkel O. Summary of tests results at FNAL, Zlobin A. RRP conductor quench analysis in SMC-11T & DS-11T, Bajas H. From winding to impregnation, Moron-Ballester R. From collaring to cold mass finishing, Löffler C. Project plan & production strategy, Savary F. Executive session and close-out on Wednesday morning

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Main outcome 1 (report from the panel) The goal of the 11T Dipole project is to realize the successful, stable operation of 11T dipoles in the LHC accelerator by 2019, after LS2, as a pioneering application of the Nb 3 Sn magnets in the HL-LHC project. Success of the 11T project will set the stage for further Nb 3 Sn applications in energy- frontier hadron accelerators.

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Main outcome 2 (report from the panel) The project needs to move quickly into the construction stage after completion of the model magnet and prototype phases with practice coil windings, magnet assembly, and demonstrated performance. Therefore little room remains for major design change, except for some fine-tuning of superconducting cable parameters and the peak field design in order to improve the operating margin by even with a few percent along the load line ratio

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Main outcome 3 (report from the panel) The production magnets should be tested to a level of ≥105 % in terms of the nominal operation current, confirming the mechanical stability/margin to greater than 10%, before installing the magnet into the tunnel. Such testing also contributes to understanding the number of re-training quenches required after periodic thermal cycling

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Main outcomes 4, 5 (report from the panel) The committee advises to well optimize the magnet length in balance of the necessary collimator length. A high-level judgment will be required to optimize the balance. The committee encourages further cooperation between CERN and Fermilab, to reflect the experiences of both laboratories, particularly in the coming prototype work at CERN. We suggest an internal technical review within the collaboration, to maximize the exchange of information and experiences

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Main outcome 6 (report from the panel) The project time scale is very challenging for the 11T dipoles to be ready in the LHC tunnel by 2019, even with the assumption of no failure in the fabrication process of 20 coils over the course of 3 years. A more detailed project plan and internal review will be inevitably required, and priority given such that experienced personnel, facilities and components are available to keep the project efficiently progressing

FSY - ColUSM #51 – Actions resulting from the review A debriefing meeting on the 11T Dipole Review was held on the 22 nd of January with the chairman of the review panel A draft of the final report was delivered to CERN The project structure (Work Breakdown Structure) was revised The model/prototype/production plan is being refined for better clarity and completeness Shortening the collimator (down to mm) needs to be studied in such a way conclusions can be drawn out by mi-March A workshop aiming at reviewing the collaboration between CERN and FNAL will be organized, most likely in May after the HiLumi/LARP Meeting Determine the best features demonstrated in the two development lines (FNAL and CERN) Integrate these features, as appropriate, in the CERN baseline design

FSY - ColUSM #51 – WBS