Get it WRITE II: Building Writing Skills in the WL Classroom Leslie Grahn, World Language Resource Teacher Thursday, February 7, 2008 River Hill High School Information Center
As a team, brainstorm a variety of writing activities you could offer your students around the topic of VALENTINE’S DAY. Write each idea in a box on your Bingo board.
Now, let’s play VALENTINE BINGO!
Don’t forget… Valentine’s Day resources on the World Language DR World Languages and ESOL > World Languages > Content Topics > Celebrations > Valentine’s Day BINGO cards:
Objectives for Today’s Session The participants will… brainstorm writing activities for World Language classroom. create a continuum of writing activities and skills for World Language students. explore print and technology teacher and student resources for writing.
Let’s review the ideas from GET IT WRITE Part 1:
FL National Writing Standards: Communication
What do students need in order to write well? Purpose/Context Enough vocabulary, language Format Structure- focus questions, bullets Clear evaluation criteria
Other ideas from November’s session: The Writing Process Finding ideas for writing prompts Writing format ideas in gallery walk Assessing writing with rubrics Using differentiation strategies with writing activities
We heard your feedback! You asked for… Student samples More time to explore resources
How are AP students scored on their essays?
They are evaluated for: appropriateness and range of vocabulary grammatical accuracy idiomatic usage organization style
Getting in step with the other content areas… 6+1 Writing Traits
How do we articulate writing skills across the levels? Writing assignments appropriate to level What writing skills need to be taught What vocabulary needs to be taught for writing
Your resource folders contain: ACTFL Writing guidelines Sample AP writing with rubrics and scoring commentary 6+1 Writing Traits packet Sample articulation packet from Mount Hebron Spanish World Language Writing Skills Continuum
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Exploring more RESOURCES!!! Print articles Links to websites
Be a part of the puzzle Articles #1 Articles #2 Tech #1 Tech #2
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Personal Goal setting for Incorporating Writing Note to self…
Write On & On!