Nature and origin of X-rays Interaction of X-rays with atoms


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Presentation transcript:

Nature and origin of X-rays Interaction of X-rays with atoms

Energy Levels for a one electron atom

Energy levels for multielectron atoms Energy Scale (log)

Electronic Transition to inner electron levels Partial energy level diagram showing common transitions leading to X–radiation. The most intense lines are indicated by the widest arrows The orbital shells are labelled as K for n=1, L for n=2, M for n=3.

Some Experimental Data

Generation of X-Rays Accellerating Voltage V Mo e-

X-ray emission process Radiative de-excitation Inner shell ionization

Auger Emission Auger electron emission following inner shell ionisation

Fluorescence Yield for K and L shells Probability of a core hole in the K or L shell being filled by a radiative process

X-ray emission from a Silver target Characteristic Silver emission lines are over imposed on a continuous radiation background (Bremsstrahlung radiation) due to deceleration of high-energy electrons. The three curves are in dependence from the electron accelerating voltage V Intensity

X–ray emission from a Mo and Cu target

X-ray absorption It = incident Io = transmitted X-ray intensity m = mass absorption coefficient (characteristic of the absorber)  = density, and x = thickness of absorber.

X-ray absorption by lead K L M Absorption edges

Use of absorption edge as a filter to provide effectively monochromatic X-rays