Soldier For Life LTC Christopher Paone 1 April 2015
Background J Program of Record FY 16 Army Transition Regulation “Honor the service and sacrifice of our Veterans, Retirees, Wounded Warriors and Families by preserving the highest possible quality of life, on our installations, and wherever Soldiers serve and live. Assist Soldiers transitioning out of Army service to return to civilian occupations successfully. ‘Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier.’” –GEN Raymond Odierno, July 2012 J Army Transition Regulation Dec 2014 Transition Campaign Plan July 2014 Army Campaign Plan Jan 2014 VOW (Veterans Opportunity to Work) to Hire Heroes Act 2011 SFL Inception July 2012 November 2011 VCSA Sends November 2010 Army ACAP/Transition USMA Study Group April 2010
Veteran Population Distribution
SFL Regions/Functions Northeast US and Europe LTC William Johnson (703) 545-6872 MSG Martinez: (703)-545-6859 Director – COL Adam Rocke(703) 545-6855 Deputy Director – COL Matthew Schwind (703) 545-2643 SGM Billie Jo Boersma (703) 545-6857 AK Western US and Pacific LTC Derwin Brown (703) 545-9343 MSG Mulligan: (703)-545-2648 Southeast US, USVI, and PR LTC Steven George (703) 545-6858 MSG Perret: (703)-545-9344 Central Region LTC Rob Hensley (703) 545-8666 MSG Morris: (703)-545-8689 HI Employment LTC Paone (703) 545- 2635 Social Media Ms. Anna Eisenberg (703) 571-729 FUNCTIONS Education LTC Ryan Raymond 703-545-2642 Retirement Services Mr. John Radke (703) 571-7230 Health LTC Paula Smith (703)-545-2658 OTSG Liaison MAJ Jacqueline Clements (703) 545-8687 National Programs LTC Jennifer Kasker (703) 545-2647 Strategic Outreach LTC Wenceslao Angulo (703) 545-2657
Soldier for Life Campaign Mission Soldier for Life connects Army, governmental, and community efforts to build relationships that facilitate successful reintegration of our Soldiers, Retired Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families in order to keep them Army Strong and instill their values, ethos, and leadership within communities. Army Imperative: Sustain the Premier All-Volunteer Army Employment Education Health Army Government Community Information Endstate Soldiers, Veterans, and Families leave military service “career ready” and find an established network of enablers connecting them with the employment, education, and healthcare required to successfully reintegrate into civilian society. Remain Strong Start Strong Reintegrate Strong Serve Strong
Soldier Life Cycle 2 1 3 4 Serve Strong Start Strong Remain Strong Technical and Leadership experience PME supports continued development ACT / COOL / JST Credentialing, Certifications and Licensing 2 Serve Strong Remain Strong Start Strong Reintegrate Strong Start Strong Top 29% HS Diploma / College PaYS Partners Initial Entry Training (IET) Army Values and Warrior Ethos Re-integrate Strong SFL-TAP Retirement Services National Guard / Reserve Army Network / Mentors Community Action Teams Apprenticeships/Internships 1 3 4 Remain Strong Community Reception National Guard / Reserve VSO / MSO Retired Soldiers / Veterans Mentors Community Leaders
Current Situation 6.5% 4.4% 3.8% 7.8% 6.4% 5.3% $1B $750M $500M $250M Army FY Unemployment Compensation $515 M $503 M $431.7 M Quarter UCX FY 14 1 $94.3M 2 $84.6M 3 $75.9M 4 $ 68.8M $323.6 M Federal, Public, & Private Training and Hiring Commitments SFL’s Diverse Networking Profile Includes…over 500 companies/organizations representing 22 industries And…over 300 Government/Federal agencies Energy Manufacturing & Retail Services Business Services IT & Security Financial Services Government & Public Sector Future: Add the number of Service members who separated each year for comparison purposes Add # of annual separations compared to # of new UCX claims (back to FY00 if possible) Break out by active, reserve, and guard (if possible) Goal: Reduce DOD UCX payments Key Comparison Indicators: Decrease in the amount of DOD UCX payments, compared to the yearly baseline. This baseline represents a pre-recession level of payments. Purpose: To provide a trend line for UCX payments. Dependencies: None at this time Effective Date: FY 13 with FY14 updates for Army. Source: Employment and Training Administration, Office of Unemployment Insurance - DOL Reporting Requirements: Special run of data Data Storage: UCX Database Data Tracking & Validation Process: Performed by each branch of service. Continued downward trend in UCX payouts; 100M less from FY2013 109M represents a 22% reduction 2013-2014 // 14% reduction 2012-2013 // 3% reduction from 2011-2012 UCX trending downward - $323.6M thru FY14. NOTE: Florida UCX not available for 4th Qtr - typically accounts for more than $1-million. Joining Forces
How We Connect SFL Resources/ Analysis Labor Trends Developing Markets IMCOM/HRC: Transition Services Managers SFL-Transition Assistance Program Counselors SFL Inter-Agency Fusion Cell SFL Resources/ Analysis Labor Trends Developing Markets Advanced Skill Training Unemployment & UCX Independent Research Health Website/Social Media (Direct) Education This is the general connection strategy of SFL Three main connection efforts: - Fusion Cell and Regional Engagement provide information through our key partners who prepare Soldiers for transition : ARNG, USAR, IMCOM, and HRC We connect directly with Soldiers, Retired Soldiers, and Veterans through our web portal and through social media Every engagement path leads to more resources, more connections, and more information SFL Regional Engagements Employment IMCOM/HRC: Transition Services Managers SFL- Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Counselors
The Fusion Cell Answers: SFL EMPLOYMENT FUSION The Fusion Cell Answers: Who is at risk and how do we (Army) mitigate that risk? What industry/sector should we connect – when, how, where? The Employment Fusion Cell furthers the goals of SFL and partners to develop a targeted, evidence-based employment single point of service to synchronize preparation and connection employment targeting. Military roundtables Directly engage HR/Leader Communications Marketing Commitments Employment announcements Policy updates Networking/bookmarking News sharing Government Reps (VA, DOL, Reserves. NGB) State Work Force Installation/community visits Leader engagement Remain Strong Start Strong Reintegrate Strong Serve Strong Corporate Outreach Social and Human Media Outreach State, Community DOD, OSD, Interagency Collaboration Analysis Data Mining Vet Data: Age, Gender, Race Periods of Service Disability Location TAP) Employment Workshop National Labor Exchange Federal Hiring Preference American Job Centers VA Vet Centers VSO/MSO Connections Positive Labor Trends Developing Markets Advanced Skill Training Placement/Pay Parity Unemployment Unemployment Compensation Unclassified
Soldier for Life Priorities Army Imperative: Sustain the Premier All-Volunteer Army Mindset Access Relationships Trust Inculcate the SFL mindset into Soldiers and Families Leverage the Army Network and Centers of Influence to connect Veterans to resources Bring unity of effort to Army, Government, and Community action Maintain faith of Soldiers & Veterans to sustain the Premier All-Volunteer Army SFL concepts in PME Educate the force through engagements Train and Educate Leaders to change culture Embed SFL NCOs into units Bring awareness to communities Engage partners to develop networks and connect to Veterans VSO/MSOs Interagency Private Industry CATs Local Gov. Help NFE’s gain access to and assist transitioning Soldiers Develop Public-Private Partnerships Connect resource providers to create efficiency Build the Army Network Connect civilian leaders with Army Senior Leadership Engage Communities to tell the Army Story Educate Centers of Influence and employers Deliver on promises to Veterans and the community Care for our Veterans ALWAYS Build Strong Communities and Army Network Unclassified
SFL Functional Connections Connection Examples Employment Education Health Nat. Programs Veterans Employment Center Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse Program Military Spouse Employment Program (MSEP) American Job Centers Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) SFL TAP Command Sponsored Spouse Program Dept. Of Veterans Affairs Post 9/11 GI Bill Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MYCAA) Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) SFL TAP Student Veterans of America Operation College Promise OTSG.MEDCOM SAMHSA (HHS) VHA DCoE AOS USO Give an Hour Care Coalition Vets4Warriors Army OneSource Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Labor Army Community Covenant Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) American Legion Code of Support MOAA …connects Army, governmental, & community efforts to build relationships
Employment Resources American Job Centers Student (VA) GI Bill Technical Training Registered Apprenticeships Employer Transition GPS (TAP) “Good Jobs for Veterans” Employee (DOL) American Job Centers - Priority of Service - Gold Card/Intensive Services Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) American Job Center (AJC) National Labor Exchange (NLX) Veteran Entrepreneur (SBA) “Boots to Business” 12
“Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier…A Soldier for Life!” Discussion “Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier…A Soldier for Life!”