PJ Woods University of Edinburgh Nuclear Astrophysics in the UK: A profile
Academics and Research Fellows Edinburgh University M. Aliotta, A. Kankainen (Finnish Senior Fellowship), C. Lederer, (Schroedinger Fellow, Austria), A. Murphy, A Shotter (Emeritus Prof.), P.J. Woods and L. Zhang (Chinese Scholarship Council Fellow) York University C Diaget, B Fulton, A Laird Surrey University G. Lotay (Ernest Rutherford Fellow) This underestimates the actual effort as there is often strong overlap with nuclear structure eg M Freer (Birmingham), Z Podolyak (Surrey), A Bruce (Brighton), D Jenkins (York) and nuclear matter, D Watts (Edinburgh), and astrophysical modelling, R Hirschi (Keele), T Rauscher (Hertfordshire)
Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) will be used for decay studies of r-process nuclei at RIKEN and FAIR compact high density ASIC electronics instrumentation for multi-channel Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSD) 238 U fission fragments from Super FRS
Observations of Elemental Abundances in old metal poor stars: Evidence for robust r-process mechanisms
However, for elements below Z ~50 eg Yttrium evidence of need for a second astrophysical mechanism/site
Sites of the r-process R-process related to environments with high-neutron density and high temperature. Type II supernovae prime suspects … N eutron star mergers and accretion disks in - ray bursts promising alternatives. Not enough is known at present about the physics to create realistic models
First direct evidence for neutron star merger - kilonova Hubble space telescope images of afterglow of a gamma-ray burst, Berger et al. arXiv:1306
Accessing the r-process path at RIKEN and FAIR Masses (Sn) (location of the path) -decay half-lives (progenitor abundances, process speed) -delayed n-emission branchings (final abundances )
BRIKEN collaboration formed for proposed campaign of β-n measurements on Big RIPS Also plans to couple to Total Absorption Spectroscopy system GT – strength function measurements
Puzzle of the origin of heavy ‘p-nuclei’ – abundant proton-rich isotopes eg 92 Mo and 96 Ru Supernova shock passing through O-Ne layers of progenitor star
Fully stripped 96 Ru 44+ ions ions 100 MeV/u Reduced to ~10MeV/u Gas Stripper Carbon Foil Stripper Study of 96 Ru(p,γ) 97 Rh reaction with decelerated beams using the ESR storage ring at GSI
Gas jet Particle detectors Pioneering new technique on ESR (Heil, Reifarth) – heavy recoils detected with double-sided silicon strip detector (Edinburgh) Position distribution of recoiling ions measured by DSSD σ(p,γ)= 3.6(5) mb ~10 MeV/u New DSSD system developed (Edinburgh/GSI/Frankfurt) for use in UHV on ESR to measure p-process capture reactions in Gamow burning energy region – test run 2 weeks ago Faster cooling and deceleration for RIB with CRYRING
The 15 O( , ) 19 Ne reaction: the nuclear trigger of X-ray bursts Reaction regulates flow between the hot CNO cycles and rp process critical for explanation of amplitude and periodicity of bursts
15 O(α,γ) 19 Ne reaction rate predicted to be dominated by a single resonance at a CoM energy of 504 keV Key unknown - α-decay probability from excited state at 4.03 MeV in 19 Ne compared to γ-decay, predicted to be ~ 10 -4
Ne 50 MeV/u H 2 /cm 2 gas target Electron cooler ESR 8 m Study of the p( 20 Ne, 2 H) 19 Ne transfer reaction on the ESR heavy ion storage PJW, Y Litvinov et al.
A few hours of data from test run on ESR DT Doherty, PhD Thesis (2014)
Spokesperson K Blaum (MPIK,Heidelberg) Deputies R Raabe (Leuven) PJW (Edinburgh) project – Injection of Radioactive Ion Beams into ring at MeV/u energies entire issue of EPJ (2012)
18 ISOLDE site (west) side Proposed layout to fit the TSR at the west side: - Installation above the CERN infrastructure-tunnel 24.6m23.3m 3m
ISOL-SRS Project 31 proposers: Prof. Andrei AndreyevUniversity of York Dr. Marialuisa AliottaUniversity of Edinburgh Prof. Jon BillowesUniversity of Manchester Dr. Andrew BostonUniversity of Liverpool Prof. Peter Butler (deputy)University of Liverpool Prof. Wilton CatfordUniversity of Surrey Prof. Bob Chapman University of the West of Scotland Prof. Swapan Chattopadhyay Cockcroft Institute and Universities of Liverpool, Manchester and Lancaster *Dr. Bradley ChealUniversity of Liverpool *Dr. Thomas CocoliosUniversity of Manchester Dr. Dave CullenUniversity of Manchester Dr. Thomas DavinsonUniversity of Edinburgh *Dr. Kieran FlanaganUniversity of Manchester Prof. Sean Freeman(deputy)University of Manchester Dr. David JenkinsUniversity of York Dr. David JossUniversity of Liverpool Dr. Marc LabicheSTFC Daresbury Laboratory Dr Alison Laird University of York Mr. Ian LazarusSTFC Daresbury Laboratory Dr. Annika LohstrohUniversity of Surrey *Dr. Gavin LotayUniversity of Surrey Dr. Alex MurphyUniversity of Edinburgh Prof. Robert PageUniversity of Liverpool Dr. Shrikant PattalwarSTFC Daresbury Laboratory Prof. Paddy ReganUniversity of Surrey/National Physical Laboratory Dr Marcus Scheck University of the West of Scotland Prof. John SimpsonSTFC Daresbury Laboratory Dr. John SmithUniversity of the West of Scotland Prof. Phil WalkerUniversity of Surrey Prof Carsten Welch University of Liverpool and Cockcroft Institute Prof. Phil Woods (Spokesperson) University of Edinburgh * 4 STFC Advanced/Rutherford Fellows
In-ring DSSD System for ultra-high resolution (d,p), (p,d) and ( 3 He,d) transfer studies of astrophysical resonances UK ISOL-SRS project For ultra high resolution mode resolution should be entirely limited by transverse beam emittance resolutions approaching 10 keV FWHM attainable
1 m uniform field External solenoid spectrometer (Helios-type system) for (d,p) transfer reaction studies on heavy nuclei outside the ring eg for studies of shell evolution in near r-process nuclei Double-sided silicon strip detector + read-out detector Final state resolution approaching 20 keV 1m uniform field
0 increasing excitation energy Astrophysically Important Region 150 MeV 26g Al (CD 2 ) n target I beam ~ 5*10 8 pps proton High resolution d( 26g Al,p) 27 Al study of analog states of 27 Si resonances using TUDA Si ISAC II Triumf G. Lotay, PJW et al.
7175 9/ / / / / / / / /2 − /2 + Exotic reaction since J π = 5 + for 26g Al! Key analog states
Galactic abundance distribution of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26 Al INTEGRAL satellite telescope - 2.8(8) M sun of 26 Al in our galaxy [R. Diehl, Nature (2006)]
Supernova Cycle
n_TOF facility (CERN) new EAR_2 beam line measurement of key 26 Al(n,p) destruction reaction C Lederer et al. EAR-2
E-detector dE-E-detectors 26 Al 10 B Neutron beam Test Setup at GELINA Belgium (IRMM) Worlds most enriched 26 Al target owned by IRMM
Scott et al. PRL 109 (2012) Di Leva et al., PRC 89 (2014) Gamow peak energies
Other nuclear astrophysics activities at the following facilities where, unless stated, role is mainly as users: In Europe: France (GANIL - ad hoc silicon reaction chamber set-ups for individual experiments, Orsay) Finland (Jyvaskyla) Germany (Munich, FRANZ in the near future) Rest of the World: US (Argonne – FMA Focal plane DSSD system, MSU, Texas A+M – Tiara development, Notre Dame) China (Lanzhou) Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VII will be jointly hosted by York and Edinburgh (A Laird, M Aliotta Conf co-Chairs) in York 2015