VET Teachers for the Future – Professional Development Certificate Finland Dr. Seija Mahlamäki-Kultanen, Dean Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) School of Professional Teacher Education Modelo Inovador de Ensino Finlandês – Professores para o Futuro
VET Teachers for the Future Partners Administered and coordinated by Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) and implemented in cooperation with Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Instituto Federal Ministry of Education, Brazil MEC/SETEC CNPq Embassy of Finland and Brazil
Participants of VET Teachers for the Future and their Federal Institutes
Strategic aims of the programme Based on national strategic areas of innovation and technology: agriculture, food processing, automotive industry, biotechnology, building, creative economy, renewable energy, education technology, information and communication technologies, technologies for sustainability. Finland became one of the cooperation partners in 2012 Presentation deals with the pilot one: two groups, 60 teachers, months Next phase: under development
Why Finland? High prestige of vocational and professional education 1:1 choose secondary vocational path: general education Skills and competences based curricula Relevance for the world of work Teachers’ autonomy and appreciation Responsiveness for the globalization of labour markets Consensus in connection with educational policy, in reasonable amounts Evidence and research-based education, transparency
The Finnish Education System The Finnish Education System explained:
Programme 30 ECTS Theme: Orientation Theme: Learning and teaching processes Theme: E-learning in the 21st Century Theme: Competence- based curriculum and Co-operation with businesses Theme: Project- based learning Pedagogical Competence Knowing Doing Being
Quality, Impact and Transparency Quality management plan based on Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council guidelines for higher education Participatory approach to service design – stakeholders working together with administrators: ministry, IF, teachers from Brazil, teacher trainers from Finland Individual learning paths – a trademark of Finnish education system Impact is ensured by the above approaches as well as relevant pedagogical strategies: learning assignments are designed so that they support own institution development and build bridges - transfer to own context, knowledge transfer and exchange, relevance testing of ideas - from the very beginning Learning process is transparent and open: Facebook, blogs, discussions and dialogue, guidance and support, applied research and publications, conferences Final seminar in May 2015 establishes a forum to disseminate experiences and knowledge Alumni network
Preliminary QA Findings Feedback collected in October and December 2014 The programme objectives proved relevant What can we even improve: Even more reality testing of ideas already in Finland, not just in Brazil We have a desire to work more closely with IF management Reflect on their own development Strong desire to network Federal Institutes (projects, research and joint course implementations)
Several Support Structures Embassies and Ambassadors Ministry of Education and Culture, in both countries CONIF meetings Federal Institutes seminars and research projects Alumni network for continuous change management VET Teachers for the Future steering board
Conclusions and obrigado Dr. Seija Mahlamäki-Kultanen, Dean Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) School of Professional Teacher Education