Learning Technologies at EPFL 1.Evolution of e-learning 2.Strategy & Funding CRAFT P. Dillenbourg,
Learning Technologies at EPFL 1. Evolution of e-learning –Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning –Integrated Learning –Mobile Learning –Virtual Labs –Workflow & e-learning –… 2. Strategy & Funding CRAFT P. Dillenbourg,
Tutoring Group self-regulation Conflict resolution Explanation Argumentation Mutual regulation CollaborationLearning StructureRegulate Preventive Reactive ?
Time Tutoring
Regulation by the tutor: Group Activity Visualisation Donath et al (MIT)
Regulation by the tutor: Group Activity Visualisation Dillenbourg, Wehrle, Ott (TECFA) Donath et al (MIT)
Semi-structured interfaces Scripts Tutoring Group self-regulation Conflict resolution Explanation Argumentation Mutual regulation CollaborationLearning StructureRegulate Preventive Reactive ?
Structuring Dialogues Belvedere, Suthers et al, Univ. Hawaii
Semi-structured interfaces Scripts Tutoring Group self-regulation Conflict resolution Explanation Argumentation Mutual regulation CollaborationLearning StructureRegulate Preventive Reactive ?
The «ArgueGraph » script Phase1
Phase 2 The «ArgueGraph » script
Phase 3 The «ArgueGraph » script
Design choices Immediate FB Delayed FB Microworld FB Theories Behavioursim Constructivism Metacognition Phase 4 The «ArgueGraph » script
Group [ABC][ABC][ABC] Group [AAA][BBB][CCC] Group [ABC][ABC][ABC] Script ‘Jigsaw’
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Script (scenario) Deliverable - Deadline Roles Collaborative learning meets instructional engineering
Group Individual Group Script
Exercices/TP Group Individual Group Lecture Script
Exercices/TP Group Individual Group Lecture
Exercices/TP Group Individual Group Lecture
Exercices/TP Group Individual Group Lecture
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Lecture Distance learning Blended learning Integrated learning
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Individual Lecture eClass, Abowd et al, Georgia Tech
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Individual Lecture AOF, Fiehn et al, Freiburg
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Individual Lecture ClassRoom Presenter, Anderson et al, Uni. Washington
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Lecture Integrated learning: pedagogical integration individual, small group, all multiple activities & lectures functional integration spatial integration
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Lecture Integrated learning: pedagogical integration functional integration dataflow between different activities dataflow between different media spatial integration
Prof. Assistants Students
Projet Section SV, IC, GM, PH
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Lecture Integrated learning: pedagogical integration functional integration spatial integration lighter (mobile) technologies redesign spaces
Group Individual Group Lecture Group Lecture Integrated learning is a trade-off between social cognition and instruction
Maia Engeli’s: Exemple : PHASE X Activités asynchrone: Ecole d’architecture ETH
Social Navigation Peer rating Vicarious learning Plagiarism PROF students
Learning Technologies at EPFL 1.Evolution of e-learning 2.Strategy & Funding CRAFT
Proposal : Each student a laptop in Oct Proposal : Each student a laptop in Oct. 2004
Postes Appui Enseignement Fonds Innovation Formation EncadrementRessources Proposition 2004
Postes Appui Enseignement Fonds Innovation Formation EncadrementRessources Proposition 2004 Swiss Virtual Campus