HTML Hypertext Markup Language –First proposed by CERN in 1989 –It is non-linear so it allows you to jump from place to place –Markup refers to the structure of the language so you can identify what is going on Source code example W3C – new governing body that regulates HTML coding –W3 consortiumW3 consortium
HTML as a Markup Language A markup language is a structured language that lets you identify common sections of a document such as headings, paragraphs, and lists An HTML file includes text and HTML markup elements The browser interprets the HTML markup elements and displays the results, hiding the actual markup tags from the user
XML: An Open Standard XML is the Extensible Markup Language XML is a meta-language; not a language itself, but a language that lets you describe other languages XML describes data, not presentation XML allows better access to data XML lends itself to customized information
XML Syntax Rules Documents must be well-formed Elements must nest correctly XML is case-sensitive End tags are required Empty elements are signified by a closing slash Attribute values must be quoted
XHTML: The Future of HTML XHTML is a reformulation of HTML 4.01 in XML Brings data-handling benefits of XML to HTML Style sheets are required Stricter syntax rules
HTML Limitations HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a very general language designed to place information on web pages. It is not a word processing or desktop publishing tool. The sooner you come to grips with this fact, the faster you will become an effective webdesigner. Here's why: –No two browsers show a page quite the same way. –Even if everyone were to use the same browser, not everyone would have the same resolution as you. –It really never was intended to be as specific as a word processor, and its fundamental structure reflects this. –Nobody owns the web. Therefore, standards are rather difficult to enforce.
File Names and URLs Names –Front door URL –Page names Case Sensitivity Character Exceptions that you CANNOT USE –/,/,&,*,, and blank spaces File Extensions –.htm –.html –.asp –.xls –.gif –.jpg
Complete URLs and Directory Structure Versus gba576.asp Relative versus absolute paths
Web Page Elements Title Bookmarks Body Background Normal text Paragraph Bulleted list Headings Images Horizontal Rules Image map Hotspot Animated images Hyperlinks
Web Page Elements title heading body image paragraph horizontal rule links animated image bulleted list
Entering HTML Tags and Text Four tags define the overall structure of standard Web pages: – and Indicates file is an HTML document – and Introduction to the rest of the file Indicates the area where the title will be placed – and Indicates the title that will display in the title bar – and Indicates the boundaries of the Web page
HTML Tags and Functions
Entering Initial HTML Tags initial tags insertion point It is good form to be consistent when you type tags, adhering to a standard practice
Entering Initial HTML Tags ending BODY and HTML tags all Web page content will be placed here If you notice an error in the text, use the BACKSPACE key to erase all the characters back to and including the one that is incorrect
Headings Used to separate text and introduce new topics Vary in size, from through Use the same sized heading for the same level of topic
Paragraphs Most text on Web pages is in paragraph format The tag has an optional ending tag When a browser finds a tag, it starts a new line and adds a paragraph break Try not to type large sections of text without having paragraph breaks
Creating a List Lists structure your text in outline format –Unordered (bulleted) lists and marks the beginning and end of unordered lists –Ordered (numbered) lists and marks the beginning and end of ordered lists The and tags define list items The TYPE attribute defines the default bullet or number type
Unordered Lists First item – type disc Second item – type disc First item – type square Second item – type square First item – type circle Second item – type circle
Ordered Lists First item – type 1 Second item – type 1 First item – type A Second item – type A First item – type a Second item – type a First item – type I Second item – type I First item – type i Second item – type i
Creating a Bulleted List bulleted list tags and text
Saving the HTML File You must save the file before you can view it in your browser HTML files must end with an extension of.htm or.html.html extensions only work on Web servers running an operating system that supports long filenames
Your Browser maximize button standard buttons toolbar status bar default startup page address bar menu bar Internet Explorer Window
Your Web Page title body of Web page main heading H2 heading bulleted list paragraph
Adding Background Color Locate the 6-character code of the color you wish to use
Adding Background Color Background color code goes at the end of the BODY tag
Centering the Heading Text can be aligned differently on the page –ALIGN = “LEFT” –ALIGN = “RIGHT” –ALIGN = “CENTER” The default alignment for headings is left- alignment
Centering the Heading center-alignment code
Adding a Horizontal Rule Horizontal Rules are graphical images that act as dividers The tag used to insert a Horizontal Rule is Horizontal Rules are easy to insert
Adding a Horizontal Rule Horizontal Rules are graphical images that act as dividers The tag used to insert a Horizontal Rule is Horizontal Rules are easy to insert
Adding a Horizontal Rule Horizontal Rules Default HR HR with size=1 HR with size=5 HR with size=10 HR with size=10 and noshade
Adding a Horizontal Rule horizontal rule tag
Viewing the Modified File in Your Browser after saving the modified file, click the Refresh button in your browser
Viewing Your Web Page Source You can view the HTML code on any Web page from within your browser This allows you to see how others created their Web pages
Definition Lists Used to list information without the standard bullet or numbered list symbols Syntax is not as straightforward as,, or and start and end the list and are used to create the actual list elements, terms, and definitions
Definition Lists
definition list start definition list end definition term start definition start
definition termsdefinitions
Summary Identify elements of a Web Page Enter the,,, and tags Enter a paragraph of text, a bulleted list, and HTML tags Save an HTML file