Development of a standard library of background simulation codes JRA1WP2 Gloria Luzon, Canfranc Underground Laboratory.


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Presentation transcript:

Development of a standard library of background simulation codes JRA1WP2 Gloria Luzon, Canfranc Underground Laboratory

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Annex I description of work  Specific objectives  Participants  4 years execution plan  Special Cross-links

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Specific objectives To produce a reliable and well tested Monte Carlo library of simulation codes to identify and quantify the components of the various environmental backgrounds in underground sites as well as in a variety of experiments and conditions, with a view to interpreting current data and designing new underground experiments. To produce a reliable and well tested Monte Carlo library of simulation codes to identify and quantify the components of the various environmental backgrounds in underground sites as well as in a variety of experiments and conditions, with a view to interpreting current data and designing new underground experiments. The joint research effort should optimise the know-how of the different participants; experimental results from WP1 will be essential to validate the library codes.The joint research effort should optimise the know-how of the different participants; experimental results from WP1 will be essential to validate the library codes. A coherent and tested library codes will be made available for the users of the Labs; The codes will be interfaced with the database from WP1.A coherent and tested library codes will be made available for the users of the Labs; The codes will be interfaced with the database from WP1.

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Participants Organisation Short name Role Universidad de Zaragoza UNIZAR Coordination of WP2 Coordination of WP2 Study and implementation of MC background simulation codes University of Sheffield USFD Deputy coordination of WP2 Deputy coordination of WP2 Study and implementation of MC background simulation codes Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CEA & CNRS Study and implementation of MC background simulation codes Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFNStudy and implementation of MC background simulation codes Technische Universität München TUMMC simulation codes for neutron background

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Other entities foreseen to contribute Organisation Role: Contribution to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Study and test of MC background simulation codes Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Study and test of MC background simulation codes (neutrons) University of Dortmund Study and test of MC background simulation codes (gammas and neutrons) University of SilesiaMC simulation codes for neutrons and muons Politecnico di MilanoNeutron background simulation

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Year 1 Existing codes compared and discussed. Platform, language and structure of the library fixed. First set of MC codes for relevant background components and instrumentation ready. Tasks First “test” version of MC libraries implemented. Technical report prepared. Milestones and deliverables

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Year 2 MC codes tested on second survey of background measurements from WP1. Program of refinement of the codes and documentation defined. Tasks Second “test” version of standard MC libraries implemented (completely tested on data from WP1 Technical report prepared. Milestones and deliverables

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Year 3 MC tested on second survey of background measurements from WP1 Tasks Final version of standard MC codes implemented on computing infrastructures of each lab. Milestones and deliverables

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Year 4 Open the MC library to the Underground Lab users. Complete and make available to the users the relevant documentation. Tasks MC library to the Underground Lab users. Complete documentation available. Milestones and deliverables

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Special Cross-links JRA1-WP2 N3-BSNS JRA2(IDEA)WP3-B1 Development of a standard library of background simulation codes BackgroundSimulation,Neutron-Shield and Muon-Vetos and Muon-Vetos Study on Cosmogenic Induced Activity Induced Activity JRA1- WP1,3,4

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Departure line  Identified sources of background  Some standard codes  Publications  Comparison with experimental data

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Sources of background rock Detector Cosmic Rays Muons  -induced Neutrons Rock and materials Contamination Alpha, Beta Gamma Neutrons: fission and ,n Additional sources Radon Surface Cosmogenic activation

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Standard Codes Alpha, beta and gamma background GEANT4 Widely used GEANT4 Advanced example for underground physics

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Standard Codes Neutron background Rate and spectrum for 238 U fission and ( ,n) rock activity n flux and spectrum at lab counting rates at detector Theory CalculationSOURCES FLUKAMCNPGEANT4 Measurement n at lab FLUKAMCNPGEANT4

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Muon induced Neutron background Flux and spectrum for muons under- ground muons Flux and spectrum of induced neutrons counting rates at detector Calculation MUSIC, MUSUN, SIAM, FLUKA MCNPGEANT4GEANT3FLUKA Measurement muons at lab FLUKA modified - GEANT3 GEANT4

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Other codes Cosmogenic induced activity IDEA web- page

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Publications H. Wulandari et al. Proceedings of IDM2002 (York, UK, 2-6 September 2002), p G. Chardin and G. Gerbier. Proceedings of IDM2002 (York, UK, 2-6 September 2002), p V. Kudryavtsev et al. Proceedings of IDM2002 (York, UK, 2-6 September 2002), p V. A. Kudryavtsev et al. NIM in Phys. Res. A, 505 (2003) 688. G. Gerbier. Talk at TAUP-2003; see TAUP-2003 web-site. S. Cebrian. Talk at TAUP-2003; see TAUP-2003 web-site. H. Wulandari. PhD thesis – TUM (2003). H. Wulandari et al, hep-ex/ H. Wulandari et al, Astrop. Phys. in press, hep-ex/ J. M. Carmona et al. Astr Phys. 21 (2004) M. J. Carson et al. Astr. Phys. (2004), in press; hep-ph/

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Comparison experimental results Published neutron flux measurements at Gran Sasso, Modane, Canfranc, CPL (Korea) and others. Planned background flux measurements at Gran Sasso, Modane, Canfranc, Boulby as proposed in JRA1 (ILIAS). Measurements of muon-induced neutrons at various depths underground: neutron yields, energy spectra, lateral distributions etc.: LVD, KARMEN, LSD etc. Measurements of muon-induced neutrons using active vetoes for dark matter detectors (existing and planned): Canfranc, Modane, Boulby, Gran Sasso.

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) First plan of work and deliverables  Analysis of MC codes.  Comparison experimental data  Deliverables

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Analysis of MC codes To identify the tasks for which each code is suitable. To compare simulations results of different codes. Problems, bugs and open questions.

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Inputs for the simulations: from JRA1/N2 Rate and spectrum for 238 U fission and ( ,n) rock activity n flux and spectrum at lab counting rates at detector Theory CalculationSOURCES MCNPGEANT4 Measurement n at lab MCNPGEANT4 rock activity Measurement n at lab

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Relevant features of codes: to be examined Rate and spectrum for 238 U fission and ( ,n) rock activity n flux and spectrum at lab counting rates at detector Theory CalculationSOURCES MCNPGEANT4 Measurement n at lab MCNPGEANT4 MCNPFLUKAGEANT4 MCNPFLUKAGEANT4 Physic model for neutrons: processes, data libraries, energy ranges Geometry capabilities Biasing options (to save CPU time) Energy detection capabilities: nuclear recoil? Support, availability of code source …

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Flux and spectrum for muons under- ground muons Flux and spectrum of induced neutrons counting rates at detector Calculation MUSIC, MUSUN, SIAM, FLUKA MCNPGEANT4GEANT3FLUKA Measurement muons at lab FLUKA modified - GEANT3 GEANT4 Relevant features of codes: to be examined Measurement n at lab Physic model for neutrons: processes, data libraries, energy ranges Physic model for muons: nuclear reactions? Geometry capabilities Biasing options (to save CPU time) Energy detection capabilities: nuclear recoil? Support, availability of code source … Calculation MUSIC, MUSUN, SIAM, FLUKA MCNPGEANT4GEANT3FLUKA FLUKA modified - GEANT3 GEANT4

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Comparison experimental data To compare, if possible, simulation results of each code with available experimental data. To use the JRA1-WP1 data on background contributions to compare with codes simulations.

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Outputs from the simulations: to check Rate and spectrum for 238 U fission and ( ,n) rock activity n flux and spectrum at lab counting rates at detector Theory CalculationSOURCES MCNPGEANT4 Measurement n at lab MCNPGEANT4 Rate and spectrum for 238 U fission and ( ,n) n flux and spectrum at lab counting rates at detector n flux and spectrum before detector

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Flux and spectrum for muons under- ground muons Flux and spectrum of induced neutrons counting rates at detector Calculation MUSIC, MUSUN, SIAM, FLUKA MCNPGEANT4GEANT3FLUKA Measurement muons at lab FLUKA modified - GEANT3 GEANT4 Flux and spectrum for muons under- ground Flux and spectrum of induced neutrons counting rates at detector n flux and spectrum before detector n yields Outputs from the simulations: to check

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Deliverables To create a web-page for the working group with : –information about the code comparison and “evaluated” results. –A code repository containing the codes and modified programs. –Links to WP1, WP3-4 for data. –List of publications. Technical report on the first analysis of codes

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC) Our proposal to work  Small working-groups in each institute ( we would like names).  Creation of a distribution list.  Every group should prepare informs about the codes they are using:  Why a specific code has been used and what for?  Main features of the code.  Comparison with experimental data.  Comparison of codes.  Problems, bug and open questions detected. Deadline will appear in Web page ~December 04

10/06/2015IDM2004 Gloria Luzón (LSC)  Collection of informs and preparation of a first report.  Comments on the report.  First “test” of MC libraries.  Final technical report.  Waiting for more data (and performing simulations to be compared with these data).