SWAST Workforce Changes 2015/16 Jim Petter Head of Education jim.petter@swast.nhs.uk
Conventional Ambulance Workforce Emergency Care Assistant (ECA) Band 4 L3 Technician Band 4 L3 Advanced Technician aka Band 5 L3/4 Ambulance Practitioner Band 5 L3/4 Paramedic Band 5 L3/4/5! Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP) Band 6 L6/7
The influence of ‘PEEP’ The Paramedic Evidence-Based Education Report (HEE, 2013) Acknowledges massive changes in ‘999’ workload Standardised, directly commissioned education: Paramedics: Degree entry from 2019 NHS Inclusion: ? Tuition Fees ? NHS Bursary ? Practice Placements Tariff http://hee.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/321/2014/04/PEEP-Report.pdf
The influence of ‘PEEP’ (2) Curriculum Guidance 2015 Scope of Practice Guidance Pay Banding and the move to degree? Band 6? Pay costs to employers? What ‘valued added’ What effect on the workforce model
20% Employed (Internal) Paramedic route 5-6 years total duration 80% Direct Commissioned route ECA Band 3 (Ac L 3, 1 year) Direct Paramedic route 3 years total duration B.Sc Hons (Ac L 6) ECA (Patient Support vehicle PSV) Band 4 (Ac L4 over 1-2 years) Paramedic Band 5 (Ac L 6 over 3 yrs) Specialist Paramedic Urgent/Critical/Hub
Contemporary SWAST Clinical Workforce Progression ECA Band 3 L3 /L4 (Internal progression) PSV Band 4 L4 (Enhanced scope) Paramedic (Internal route) Band 6/ L6 Paramedic UG (direct commision) Band 6/ L6 Specialist Paramedic/Specialist Nurse Band 6/7 Post Graduate SPUEC. CCP. Hub Clinicians:
Specialist Paramedic (Urgent Care) (Not ‘ECP’!) Five Modules Physical; Assessment & Clinical Reasoning Contemporary Paramedic Practice in Urgent Care Pharmacology Remote Clinical Decision-Making (aka ‘Hear 7 Treat’) Evidencing Work-Based Learning (‘long thin’ Practice Module) Practice Element: Workplace mentoring: GP Placement (8 weeks) MIU/UCC Clinical Hubs (RCDM)
Specialist Paramedic (Urgent Care) Modules taken at Level 7 18-month programme duration Peer review/supervision element Practice Assessment: Portfolio Completion CoP/RCGP-designed summative exam CoP/RCGP Paramedic Practitioner Exam (since 2013) Part One. 14 Station OSCEs Part Two: 3-Hour Written component Run at St Georges, London by the RCGP. SWAST staff are on the faculty (Plans for separate Critical Care Exam are ongoing)
Remote Clinical Decision-Making (Hub) CAD system Triage System (AMPDS or NHS Pathways) Underpinning Educational Framework RCDM Module Enhances hospital avoidance Supports wider non-conveyance aims Supports appropriate and safe disposition of resource Patient centred
Remote Clinical Decision-Making Collaboration between UWE and SWAST Due to commence Jan 2016 (earlier pilot possible) 8 contact days (classroom) 10 days practice placement Accredited by UWE at 20 credits L6 or 7 Pre entry: clinical experience and patient assessment module
Questions? Jim.petter@swast.nhs.uk