LYU0101 Wireless Digital Information System Lam Yee Gordon Yeung Kam Wah Supervisor Prof. Michael Lyu Second semester FYP Presentation 2001~2002
Overview Introduction Design Direction System Architecture Client Implementation Server Implementation Work Done
Introduction PDA become more popular Computation power and Memory is increasing High Bandwidth Wireless Technology BlueTooth, Wireless LAN 3G Demand for provide content to PDA Provide location related information
Wireless Digital Information System To build a generic system that allow company provide their content to user Support different application Support multimedia content Same client program for different server Search function
Wireless Digital Information System Usage Shopping guild in a Shopping Mall Information search in an Exhibition Showing vacancy in a Car Park Digital video Library client
Design Direction
What ’ s our goal? (in previous slide) Main Issues we need to concern: Data (format, storage, types) Search Engine (vector,probabilistic model, indexing, ranking, relevance feedback) Platform (hand-held device)
Concern 1:Data Use XML as the primary data format To give our user a standard, feasible and extensible way to design the data structure separate the concern on the data and presentation of information Use XSL to change XML into information changes in module or client platform will not affect the data
Concern 1:Data Storing XML in Database Database provides us many useful services
Concern 1:Data Conversion between XML and Database Common Method: Break down XML file into tree nodes and remember its children's node Need to have different schema Need to make use of DTD Our Method: Break down XML file into tree nodes and remember the parent node. Only need one schema: (parent id, node id, type, data)
Concern 1:Data A DTD definition Visualization of DTD in Tree
Concern 2: Searching Use Vector Model assign weight to index terms in queries and in XML file (from tf factor, term- frequency and idf factor, inverse document frequency) compute degree of similarity between each XML file and user query give ordering of XML file
Concern 2: Searching A full inverted index is built. have a better ranking, e.g. search for “ 林 怡 ”, I prefer to have “ 林怡 ” in search result, rather than “ 林保怡 ”. can help in searching a whole phase.
Concern 2: Searching Problem: client may need only ten search results at a time, I can ’ t send all the result to PDA client at a time !!! Solution: NN-search Methods (R-tree, SS-tree, SR-tree, X-tree, MVP-tree, A- tree, VA-file ) We choose VA-file
Concern 2: Searching VP-tree A-tree
Concern 2: Searching VA-file
Concern 2: Searching Reason for choosing VA-file: performs much better than the others in high-dimension space(as number of index term may be over thousand) IO page, number of Vector calculation, CPU time in search CPU time on construction
Concern 3: Client Platform We choose Pocket PC as our client platform Reason: Pocket PC have better support in Internet Multi-Media Performance processing power of Pocket PC is higher than Palm OS nowadays
System Architecture
Server side XML Data is processed and stored in the database A set of XSL is used to format the output Client side Display information Send user requests to server
Server Side Four main components at Server Side XML Pre-processor Search Engine XSL transformer TCP Server that Communicate with PDA client incoming: Keyword search, Map search result, XSL and XML set outgoing: HTML, Video xml definition (probably a very simple SMIL), Map xml definition Web server (images) MMS server (videos)
XML Pre-processor Vector and VA-file Builder Vectors and VA-file
The PDA Client PDA Client Control Component Main Window Image WindowVideo Window server
The PDA Client Main Window HTML Viewer Supported by system provided DLL Interface for information displaying User event will pass to control component to handle
The PDA Client Image Window Using to display image Points highlight feature Using as query input interface, user can select a rectangular area as query input
The PDA Client Video/Audio window Supported by system provided COM Object Display video to user
The PDA Client Why using HTML viewer as main interface Provide feasibility to different servers using their own interface HTML is widely used and designed for display information. Why using system provide library Simplify the program and slim the program size These component is optimized
Work Done and Possible Extension
Work Done 2001 July ~ Aug Study different wireless network Study different PDA platform Build a trial application on Pocket PC 2001 Sep ~ Dec Design the application and system architecture Build the Pocket PC client
Work Done 2002 Jan ~ April Study the searching algorithm Build the server Continue implement the Pocket PC client