Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS November 12, 2008 Overview Girder Installation Status Pre-Beam Checkout Plan Startup Plan Beam Loss Monitor Status Overview Girder Installation Status Pre-Beam Checkout Plan Startup Plan Beam Loss Monitor Status
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Re-establish e to SL2 LTU/UndComm. First Light in FEE First Light in FEH NEH Ops & Commissioning JJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ ON A A Down PPS Linac/BC2 Commissioning FEL/FEECommissioning Nov. 3, 2008 Install Undulators M M D D LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line LTU/Und Install PEP-II run ends FEE/NEH Install PPS Cert. LTU/Dump CD-4 (7/31/2010) X-Rays in NEH now D D Down? FEH Hutch BO
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Installation (=>Nov 08) All beamline components except Undulator Segments Initial Checkouts (=>Nov 08) Quads/Corrs, BFWs, RFBPMs, Girder Motion, Control System, ADS Correction of problems found during Initial checkouts (Nov 08) Broken BFW wires, Girder Motion Issues, Quad Terminal Corrosion, etc Conventional Alignment (Nov 08) Set all cams to “Home Position” and disable girder motion control Align quadrupoles to “straight line” within 100 um (rms) Center BFWs between quadrupoles. Final Pre-Beam Checkouts. Checklist exists (200+ pp). (Nov-Dec 08) Magnet Polarities / Motion (Girder, BFW, Slide) etc. Pre-Undulator Commissioning with Beam (Jan 09 – Mar 09) Motion Control / Beam Containment / Beam-Based Alignment / etc. Installation of Undulator Segments (Mar 09) Undulator Commissioning with Beam (Mar 09 – Apr 09) Beam Based Alignment / Undulator Slide Functions / Beam Stability Installation (=>Nov 08) All beamline components except Undulator Segments Initial Checkouts (=>Nov 08) Quads/Corrs, BFWs, RFBPMs, Girder Motion, Control System, ADS Correction of problems found during Initial checkouts (Nov 08) Broken BFW wires, Girder Motion Issues, Quad Terminal Corrosion, etc Conventional Alignment (Nov 08) Set all cams to “Home Position” and disable girder motion control Align quadrupoles to “straight line” within 100 um (rms) Center BFWs between quadrupoles. Final Pre-Beam Checkouts. Checklist exists (200+ pp). (Nov-Dec 08) Magnet Polarities / Motion (Girder, BFW, Slide) etc. Pre-Undulator Commissioning with Beam (Jan 09 – Mar 09) Motion Control / Beam Containment / Beam-Based Alignment / etc. Installation of Undulator Segments (Mar 09) Undulator Commissioning with Beam (Mar 09 – Apr 09) Beam Based Alignment / Undulator Slide Functions / Beam Stability Undulator Checkout and Startup
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Girder Component Alignment and Girder Installation Component Alignment on CMM Girders installed in Undulator Hall
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Girder Installation Status All girders are installed! Alignment of all girder components (including “test” undulator segment) has been checked and corrected (if necessary) on CMM. All quadrupoles have been individually characterized before installation All BFW devices have been thoroughly tested for reproducibility before installation. Problems repeatability problems excist Tuning and fiducialization of undulator segment is on-going. Reminder: First Installation of undulator segments on girder planned for March 2009.
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, BFW Positioning Beam travels out of slide plane
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Correction of Problems found during Initial Checkouts Replacement of 3 BFW cards that had broken wires [done] Correction of quadrupole terminal plate corrosions Correction of Interface Plate alignment to avoid cam block motion restriction Improvement mounting of linear potentiometers for cam motion control [done] Cam motion trouble shooting
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Findings Requiring Correction Uneven reference for linear pot Insufficient area for linear pot Quad terminal corrosion Broken BFW wires
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, pages
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Undulator Pre-Beam Checkout List: Detail 2
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Undulator Pre-Beam Checkout List: Detail 3
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Undulator Beamline Commissioning to Main Dump with Beam but without Undulator Segments (Jan-Mar 08) Get Beam through Undulator vacuum pipe with minimum losses. Commission Radiation Monitors Checkout BPMs (timing, scale, sign errors, etc.) Commission Girder Motion with Beam Verify and calibrate steering effect of quadrupole motion Calibrate motion parameters (gain, pivot points etc.) Check BPM offset tracking Commission RF Cavity BPMs Check charge dependent response over entire charge range Use Girder Motion to calibrate position vs. readings Check and correct optics matching over entire operational energy range Commission Beam Based Alignment (BBA) Develop saved configurations for three different energies. Commission BBA GUIs and BBA procedure. Commission Beam Finder Wires Calibrate PMT signals. Commission BFW GUIs (Alignment and scanning capabilities) Commission ADS-based girder position stabilization feedback systems. Commission Tune-Up Dump in preparation for commissioning with Undulator Segments Get Beam through Undulator vacuum pipe with minimum losses. Commission Radiation Monitors Checkout BPMs (timing, scale, sign errors, etc.) Commission Girder Motion with Beam Verify and calibrate steering effect of quadrupole motion Calibrate motion parameters (gain, pivot points etc.) Check BPM offset tracking Commission RF Cavity BPMs Check charge dependent response over entire charge range Use Girder Motion to calibrate position vs. readings Check and correct optics matching over entire operational energy range Commission Beam Based Alignment (BBA) Develop saved configurations for three different energies. Commission BBA GUIs and BBA procedure. Commission Beam Finder Wires Calibrate PMT signals. Commission BFW GUIs (Alignment and scanning capabilities) Commission ADS-based girder position stabilization feedback systems. Commission Tune-Up Dump in preparation for commissioning with Undulator Segments
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Install Undulator Segments (Mar 09) Mount Undulator Segments onto girders Segments will be stored in Undulator Hall before installation System is designed to be Self-Aligning Re-check slide motion clearance Expect to install 3 Segments / day Mount Undulator Segments onto girders Segments will be stored in Undulator Hall before installation System is designed to be Self-Aligning Re-check slide motion clearance Expect to install 3 Segments / day Segment installation test scheduled for week of 11/18/2008
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, First Beam Through Undulator Segments (Mar 09) Conditions for First Beam: All Undulator Magnets Rolled-Out Single Shot Operation (low charge) Send single electron bunch through undulator Read and evaluate as much diagnostics as possible along undulator (such as BPMs, beam loss monitors, toroids) Identify and remove sources of beam loss – if any Iterate Goal: Get beam through vacuum chamber with minimum losses. Reminder: Main Constraint is to Protect Undulator from Radiation Damage Conditions for First Beam: All Undulator Magnets Rolled-Out Single Shot Operation (low charge) Send single electron bunch through undulator Read and evaluate as much diagnostics as possible along undulator (such as BPMs, beam loss monitors, toroids) Identify and remove sources of beam loss – if any Iterate Goal: Get beam through vacuum chamber with minimum losses. Reminder: Main Constraint is to Protect Undulator from Radiation Damage
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, First Undulator Segments Commissioning (Mar – Apr 09) Undulator Segments still in Roll-Out position Run BBA Roll-In Individual Undulator Segments Transport beam through individual Undulator Segments Start at slot #33 (last Undulator Segment) Check and correct trajectory change. Run BBA with Undulator Segments inserted. Check Segment alignment with BFWs Undulator Segments still in Roll-Out position Run BBA Roll-In Individual Undulator Segments Transport beam through individual Undulator Segments Start at slot #33 (last Undulator Segment) Check and correct trajectory change. Run BBA with Undulator Segments inserted. Check Segment alignment with BFWs
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Courtesy W. Berg, ANL Undulator System Beam Loss Detectors Different Means of Beam Loss Detection are Used in the LCLS Undulator Area 1.ANL Style Loss Monitors (Initially 5) 2.PEP-II Style Loss Monitors (Initially 28, A. Fisher) 3.Toroids for detection of charge loss (2, before UND01 and after UND33) 4.Fibers Mounted to undulator vacuum chamber (Under Investigation by J. Frisch and A. Fisher) 5.TLDs (up to 76), replaced on a weekly basis
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, Beam Loss Monitor (ANL Type) Courtesy W. Berg, ANL Radiator PMT BLM in Roll-In Position BEAM Expected for later part of Nov 08
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, PEP-II Beam Loss Monitors 28 PEP-II BLMs initially used in addition to 5 ANL BLMs. Thanks to A. Fisher and U. Wienands! ANL BLMs at locations: 1, 9, 17, 25, 33 All other girders will have PEP-II BLMs 28 installed!
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, BLM Requirements Primary function of the BLM is to indicate to the MPS if losses exceed preset thresholds. MPS processor will rate limit the beam according to which threshold was exceeded and what the current beam rate is. The thresholds will be empirically determined by inserting a thin obstruction (OTR33) upstream of the undulator. Simulation of losses and damage in the undulator are under way in parallel with the manufacturing effort.
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, TLD Monitoring Program The Radiation Levels generated inside the Undulator Hall need to be monitored using Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) that are replaced as part of a standard operational monitoring program. The regular replacement program will start at the time when the Undulators are mounted onto the girders. (See step III, below). Steps I and II represent preparatory measurements. I.Baseline (Pre-Beam) Sampling: October 2008 – December 2008 II.Pre-Undulator Sampling: January 2009 – March 2009 III.Continuous Sampling: March 2009 – … The program will be managed by Mike Zurawel: TLD installation and replacement Radiation Physics: TLD readout and report generation
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, TLD Monitoring Program: Steps I and II I.Baseline (Pre-Beam) Sampling: October 2008 – December 2008 Mount 10 TLDs on girders. Leave TLDs in place for up to 3 months before removal and read-out. II.Pre-Undulator Sampling: January 2009 – March 2009 Stepper Motor Radiation Monitoring Use 21 TLDs mounted on each of the 7 stepper motors of the 3 girders (UND01, UND15, UND33) to monitor the radiation exposure of these motors. TDUND Test Use 6 TLDs mounted on girders. Leave in place while electron beam with and energy of 13.6 GeV will be parked at TDUND and none of the first 6 BFW devices will be activated. BFW Test Use 33 TLDs mounted on girders, 1 each at the downstream end of each of girder. Run a 13.6-GeV-beam with 250 pC charge through the undulator vacuum chamber. Perform full series of BFW scans (20 hits horizontally, 20 hits vertically) for each of the 33 BFW devices (BFW01 … BFW33), one at a time. Non-BFW Test. Same setup as above. Leave the TLDs in place for 1 week of beam operation in the Undulator Hall during which none of the BFW devices is to be activated.
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, TLD Monitoring Program: Step III III.Continuous Sampling: March 2009 – … TLD Locations Use 66 TLDs mounted to girders. Mount 1 TLD at the downstream mirror plate and 1 TLD at the upstream mirror plate of each undulator above the beam level, horizontally centered with the undulator magnet pieces. Use 10 TLDs and 10 moderators mounted in the long break sections underneath the beam pipe. TLD Replacement and Readout Program Replace all 76 TLDs once a week (preferably during the regular Wednesday ROD accesses. The TLDs need to be read-out and a report is to be generated within 10 days of their removal from the Undulator Hall. Thus, to be able to maintain a continuous replacement program, 3 sets of TLDs plus spares are required.
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, The undulator checkout and startup plans have been worked out and include Detailed pre-beam checkout Phase I: Electron-beam-based commissioning without undulator segments installed. Installation of undulator segments. Phase II: Electron-beam-based undulator segment commissioning X-ray-beam-based commissioning is scheduled to start in June 2008 including Commissioning of FEE diagnostics and spontaneous undulator radiation FEL/SASE commissioning. Beam loss monitoring is integral part of undulator system The undulator checkout and startup plans have been worked out and include Detailed pre-beam checkout Phase I: Electron-beam-based commissioning without undulator segments installed. Installation of undulator segments. Phase II: Electron-beam-based undulator segment commissioning X-ray-beam-based commissioning is scheduled to start in June 2008 including Commissioning of FEE diagnostics and spontaneous undulator radiation FEL/SASE commissioning. Beam loss monitoring is integral part of undulator system Conclusion
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SLAC / LCLS Undulator Checkout and Startup Plans November 12, End of Presentation