Directions to Starting Point: Our starting point was near a drain that sticks out from the ground like a cement stump on our left side of the trail, that is also near a wooden bridge. When everyone start walking on the trail its approximately steps to the our starting point. From the starting point is 170 feet to our destination/area. Make a bearing of 131.5° W, at this point you are standing on the bridge that is next to the drain on your left. Elevation : 224ft Latitude : N 47° Min Longitude : W122°
Photo of Starting PointPhoto Point Map 1A Key Starting Point Photo Point Camera Point 5 *Map shows 2nd green manhole cover as starting point North + 5 C5 B5 A5
m Branch off of the tree
Location Coal Creek upstream of Coal Creek Parkway Photo Point 5A Camera Point 5 Bearing 192 ° Goal Monitor log movement Duration 5 years Regime 2 times each year Date 10/14/08 Time 11:45 AM Notes: Looking at a big tree slanted towards the river. Looks like it about to fall down in a few more years. Over a branch.
Location Coal Creek upstream of Coal Creek Parkway Photo Point 5B Camera Point 5 Bearing 251 ° Goal Monitor log movement Duration 5 years Regime 2 times each year Date 10/14/08 Time 11:50 AM Notes: Looking right at a bush under a long multiple branches. Next to a green pole that might move later.
Location Coal Creek upstream of Coal Creek Parkway Photo Point 5C Camera Point 5 Bearing 320 ° Goal Monitor log movement Duration 5 years Regime 2 times each year Date 10/14/08 Time 11:53 AM Notes: Looking at a pile of rocks across the river next to a bush.