Classroom Management
What are the issues? Please write down three examples of disruptive behaviors that in your experience have made the classroom less conducive to learning
Uncivil student behaviors Annoying, but not prohibited Cutting class Not paying attention Sleeping in class Acting bored Using computers not related to class Being unprepared Refusing to answer direct questions
Prohibited student behaviors Arriving late, leaving early (when it disrupts others) Holding distracting conversations, disapproving groans Dominating class discussions Using cell phones or pagers during class Cheating, plagiarism Public challenges to faculty credibility, in-class accusations of faculty of being prejudicial Verbal and physical disrespect Threats (including threatening to give a poor evaluation or to go to the dean)
The Inattentive Student Why is this a problem? Why are some students inattentive? What can you do? –Let’s role play!
The Inattentive Student - Solutions Discuss your policy the first day –Remember, faculty rights and responsibilities protects you Take charge of the room layout, if possible –Can even tape off the back row Make your teaching more active Address problems as they arise
The Angry Student Why is this a problem? Why do some students become confrontational in class? What can you do? –Let’s role play!
The Angry Student - Solutions Open the door or move into the hall Know his/her name Reflect back his/her feeling Summarize what they have said and terminate the conversation Buy time (the 24 hour rule) Respond later Document the interaction
Excuses Can do work early, but not late Spell out the consequences and then… Stay firm Be consistent
The Dominator Why is this a problem? Why do some students dominate the discussion? What can you do?
The Dominator - Solutions Emphasize importance of bringing many perspectives to bear on the subject Small group work Writing task before discussion Randomization of speakers Give him/her a task: –Rotating chair –Recorder –Process observer
Academic Misconduct See reading about plagiarism Ways to Prevent Cheating –Develop group norms or an “honor code” –Provide many reasonable opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement –Reduce anonymity –Talk to students who aren’t doing well –Alternate seating, alternate exam forms –Proctor exams
Classroom Management Issues Academic Misconduct Aggressive Students Attendance Discussing Controversial Topics Disrespectful Instructors Dominant Students & Quiet Students Emotional & Psychological Problems Inattentive Students Unprepared Students
Tips for Minimizing Problems 1.Publish expectations in the syllabus and review in class. 2.Address issues when they come up. 3.Be consistent in application of University and course policies. Also, online classes are governed by the same policies!
Disrespectful Instructor Behavior Please write down three instructor behaviors that you find to be uncivil or disruptive to the learning environment
Disrespectful Instructor Behavior Prohibited Changing assignments or test dates without warning Canceling class without warning Belittling students through sarcasm, humiliation, intimidation, or profanity Not showing up for office hours Taunts* Threats of harm to career or to physical person, etc.* Vulgarity* Harassing comments and actions* * These behaviors in instructors and students are prohibited by law.
Disrespectful Instructor Behavior Not Prohibited Arriving late for class, leaving early Poor lecture skills Refusing to answer questions Deviating from the course syllabus Refusing to allow make-up exams, extensions or grade changes
Sources Teaching Tips (Chapters 10 & 14) University of Utah Student Code 10.html 10.html University of Utah Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 4.html 4.html Thank you to Stephanie Richardson