Wireless Terminal and PC Interface Using VLSI EE451 - Senior Project Members: Chris Brophy Matt Olinger Advisor: Dr. V. Prasad 12/11/01
Outline Summary Standards Functional Description Block Diagram Hardware Flow Chart Testing Preliminary Work Schedule
Summary Provide an alternative for wireless terminals Two interfaces are required: ISA bus (from computer) Proprietary bus interface (RF device) A method of buffering is also necessary, since the data rates of both interfaces are unequal. A status register is also necessary to provide feedback to the computer when to send, receive, etc…
Standards Industry Standard Architecture will be implemented Provides compatibility to all “IBM clones” Relatively simplistic design
Functional Description ISA interface Data D0-D7 Address A0-A9 WR, RD, INT, BALE RF module (depends on type) Data D0-D3 + RXR, RXA, etc… Serial Data Software Provides flow control, error correction, etc…
Block Diagram Control lines include: WR, RD, INT, BALE Data D0-D7 to and from ISA and Buffer Address lines to decoder
Hardware Flow Chart
Testing Preliminary design in Logic Works and Renoir Actual testing and simulation done on FPGA target Cannot test fabricated chips until they come back Unfortunately, they will not return until summer
Preliminary Work EE565 ISA bus design Topics covered: Timing Analysis / Design Loading Analysis / Design Address Decoding Interrupt Control x86 assembly language
Preliminary Work RF module research Characteristic Considerations: Cost Range Ease of interface Availability – Is it legal in USA? Support from company / distributor VLSI gates and design project Provides “building blocks” for actual design “Paste” blocks where needed after circuit is designed
Schedule Dec – Jan (Break) More “preliminary” design work (Begin Logic Gates) Feb Finish Logic Design Begin Simulation March Finish Simulation / Begin drawing in LEDIT Implement design on FPGA April Finish drawing gates in LEDIT