LITERATURE REVIEW ‘It's just a basic camcorder, but the Flip has captured the imaginations of millions... Not bad for a gadget that costs less than an iPod and that looks like it's been designed by a child’. (Telegraph, May 2008) ‘I have never seen a group of students become so enamoured with a piece of technology’. ‘The results have been phenomenal’; or ‘I have begun to take my Flip with me everywhere. I truly feel that everything I experience is now a learning experience I can share with my students’. (Quotes from the USA)
Today’s pocket sized camcorders
RESEARCH SAMPLE Phase 1 (85 students) provided a pilot that was experimental and exploratory and provided pointers for improvement and reorganisation. Phase 2 (274 students) allowed incorporation of changes, and insight into student perceptions and outcomes.
THE CONTEXT Theory of Management module University of Exeter Business School New module run by a newly appointed teaching fellow academic content a sense of community and strong group relationships professional skills as young managers. Groups range normally from 4 to 6 students, with a mix of nationalities.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE VIDEO? For each group… i)to review their own presentations and improve their skills ii)to review other group presentations to analyse skills of others iii)to have a number of academic presentations to revise subject content and to learn from each other’s academic research. No editing of video is required; no judgements are made on the quality of the video per se. WHAT IS VIDEOED BY STUDENTS? 1. Initial presentation ‘to convince all the other groups that actually you are in the best group’ 2. Academically focused presentation
PURPOSES OF THE STUDY review technological, organisational and pedagogic issues in the use of Flip camcorders by students; 2. to ascertain whether, and how, student-led use of Flip camcorders can support learning in large and diverse cohorts of students; 3. to support the incremental refining of practices by making use of student feedback; 4. to provide resources and recommendations for future use of Flip camcorders.
Attendance at the videoed sessions ran at 98%, far higher than in other taught sessions. Students claimed they i)genuinely enjoyed the sessions ii)did not want to let down their peers iii)knew their attendance could be easily tracked via the video presentations. FEEDBACK GAINED VIA: -Focus groups -Observation of classes -Ongoing feedback from the tutor -Questionnaire survey designed and run by a student group FINDINGS
Student feedback ‘I am not quite sure I would use them personally. I don’t like watching myself in a video’ ‘I don’t mind watching myself, it’s quite useful to see the style that you present in. Other people might tell you, but if you can see it it’s better.’ Tutor feedback ‘Videoing the student presentations had a dramatic impact in terms of attendance, behaviour, style and standards’. Students are becoming ‘used to the idea that they are visible to other people. Videoing technology enables them to look at themselves from other people’s perspectives’.
ISSUES Technological and organisational issues Logistics Recharging Memory can’t be expanded Picture and sound quality No external microphone socket Sheer amount of time needed for tech support – From recording to uploading to VLE In-built editing software is not great Mini tripods can’t replace having a good cameraperson
RECOMMENDATIONS Ensure you obtain the relevant permissions Think about where you publish the material and any restrictions you may need to place on its access Have a back up camera Consider location for recording – light and sound quality Set up a system for managing the equipment Work towards the tutor and students taking ownership, for long term sustainability Use keen technologically minded students to help you Brief staff and students about how to take good video and provide a handout of top tips in order to avoid…
… Bloopers!
NEXT PHASE AND THE FUTURE… - Huge increase in student numbers - High number of international students - Use keen and enthusiastic students as “Student IT Champions” - Problems of large amount of data storage needed
‘ It was an exhilarating experience as it provided us a unique opportunity of looking back and reviewing the mistakes… Despite the difference in culture and language I have been fully supported by all of the group’. (Vietnamese student) ‘ When I was presenting my first presentation, I was too nervous even to make a sound… I am now able to contribute ideas and discuss opinions with my group’. (Chinese student) TO CONCLUDE