PEER Van Nuys Testbed Simulation Laura N. Lowes - University of Washington #setAnalysisParameters.tcl # #PEER VanNuys Testbed Project # #script to define analysis parameters including element, section and material models # begin setAnalysisParameters source $PATH/units.tcl #MODEL # model type 2D or 3D set 2Dvs3DModel "2D"; #ELEMENTS #Element Types set ColumnElementType "fiber-hinge";# options: "elastic", "elasticEffStiff","lumped-plasticity", "fiber-hinge", "fiber", #"displacement-based" set BeamElementType "fiber-hinge"; # options: "elastic", "elasticEffStiff","lumped-plasticity", "fiber-hinge", "fiber", #"displacement-based" #IF elements are "displacement-based" - set number of elements to use along column / beam length set NumColElements 1 set NumBeamElements 1 #IF elements are "fiber" or "displacement-based"- set Number of Integration Pointsto use along length set NumColIntPts 5 set NumBeamIntPts 4 set ElementIter "yes"; #forces iteration within the element to satisfy element equilibrium set NumElementIter 20; #number of iterations within the element set tol 1e-12; #tolerance for element convergence #IF "lumped-plasticity" or "fiber-hinge" - set stiffness factors for elastic beam section between hinges #IF "elasticEffStiff" - set effective stiffness factors for beams, columns, slab set BeamStiffnessReductionFactorFlex 0.5; #setAnalysisParameters.tcl # #PEER VanNuys Testbed Project # #script to define analysis parameters including element, section and material models # begin setAnalysisParameters source $PATH/units.tcl #MODEL # model type 2D or 3D set 2Dvs3DModel "2D"; #ELEMENTS #Element Types set ColumnElementType "fiber-hinge";# options: "elastic", "elasticEffStiff","lumped- plasticity", "fiber-hinge", "fiber", #"displacement-based" set BeamElementType "fiber-hinge"; # options: "elastic", "elasticEffStiff","lumped- plasticity", "fiber-hinge", "fiber", #"displacement-based" #IF elements are "displacement-based" - set number of elements to use along column / beam length set NumColElements 1 set NumBeamElements 1 #IF elements are "fiber" or "displacement-based"- set Number of Integration Pointsto use along length set NumColIntPts 5 set NumBeamIntPts 4 set ElementIter "yes"; #forces iteration within the element to satisfy element equilibrium set NumElementIter 20; #number of iterations within the element set tol 1e-12; #tolerance for element convergence #IF "lumped-plasticity" or "fiber-hinge" - set stiffness factors for elastic beam section between hinges #IF "elasticEffStiff" - set effective stiffness factors for beams, columns, slab set BeamStiffnessReductionFactorFlex 0.5;
The Objectives Develop a model of the Van Nuys building within OpenSees that can be used to 1.Simulate building response under variable levels of earthquake loading – results support loss estimation. 2.Determine the impact of epistemic uncertainty on predicted response – results support development of the PEER methodology. 3.Support development of new element models within OpenSees. 4.Predict the post-peak response of the Van Nuys building.
Deliverables Original Schedule (11702) DeliverablesRevised Schedule (52102) 1/28/022D model – Gen. Ias needed by PEER researchers 5/31/02 2D model - Gen. II: basic model & parameterized model 5/31/02 new request 2D model – Gen. III: includes shear-failure springs, reduced lap-splice capacity, multiple representations of joint deformation 6/15/02 new request version control of models (CVS) 8/1/02 10/1/023D model – Gen. IV:8/1/02 9/1/02Soil/foundation interaction9/1/02
Gen. II Model Basic model: –Comparable to SAP model developed by Degenkolb –2D model: one exterior & one interior frame (3D with slaving) –Modeling assumptions: BeamWithHinges element model, rigid joints, Concrete & steel material response per FEMA 356 Effective stiffnesses used to generate an initial period of 0.89 sec No gravity load representation (waiting on new element that includes distributed loading) No representation of shear failure for columns Inadequate representation of splice failure for columns - reduced strength not ductility capacity)
Gen. II & III Models Parameterized model: –For use is assessing the impact of epistemic uncertainty –2D model: one exterior & one interior frame –Modeling parameters: Element type: BeamWithHinges / NonlinearBeamcolumn / EffectiveStiffness / DisplacementBased Column failure mechanisms: Splice failure / shear failure BC Joints: Rigid / center-line dimensions / strength & stiffness degrading Material models: Variable material models / variable material data (stiffness & strain capacity) Level of discretization: Displacement-based elements / sections Effective stiffness values: BeamWithHinges / EffectiveStiffness model Damping
What is the form of the model? VanNuys.tcl model BasicBuilder -ndm 3 -ndf 6 source setAnalysisParameters.tcl - define parameters for this particular analysis source setFrameGeometry.tcl - write data structure defining frame geometry (story height, bay width, etc.) source setFrameMemberSectionProperties.tcl- write data structure defining frame member geometry (column/beam/slab prop.) source setMaterialProperties.tcl- write data structure defining material properties (each column/beam/slab has concrete & steel material properties source setElasticElementProperties.tcl- write data structure defining elements elastic section properties (all elements have elastic properties - Torsional stiff.) source setNodalMass.tcl- nodal / distributed mass for dynamic analysis source defineStructuralMaterials.tcl- execute OpenSees command to generate required materials source defineSections.tcl- execute OpenSees command to generate required sections source defineNodes.tcl- execute OpenSees command to generate required nodes source defineElements.tcl- execute OpenSees command to generate required elements source defineBoundaryConditions.tcl- execute OpenSees command to establish required boundary conditions source analyze.tcl- run analysis
setAnalysisParameters.tcl #MODEL #Model Type – options: “2D”, “3D” set 2Dvs3DModel "2D"; #ELEMENTS #Element Types - options: "elastic", "elasticEffStiff", "lumped-plasticity", "fiber-hinge", "fiber", “disp” set ColumnElementType "fiber-hinge"; set BeamElementType "fiber-hinge"; #SECTIONS #IF fiber section - Define maximum fiber dimension set MaxFiberDim [expr 0.5*$in]; #MATERIALS set ConcreteMaterialType"Concrete01";# options: “Concrete01",“Concrete02", … set SteelMaterialType"Steel02";# options: “Steel01”, “Steel02” #ANALYSIS #set AnalysisType - options: "Gravity", "Eigen", "Dynamic", "Pushover" set AnalysisType "Pushover“; #OUTPUT #options Columns 1, 4, 8 set Columns 1; #Output is disp., vel. & accel. at a single column
Basic Model: Push-Over Analysis Roof Displacement (in.) Base Shear (kips)
Basic Model – Simulated Response – NR vnuy Ground Acceleration – Northridge Eq. - Building Instrumentation Acceleration (in./sec.) Roof Acceleration (in./sec.)
Basic Model – Simulated Response – NR vnuy Ground Acceleration – Northridge Eq. - Building Instrumentation Displacement (in.) Roof Displacement (in.)
Basic Model – Response to Dynamic Loading NR.cnpk SF.vnuy NR.vnuy SF.466 * Deformation Distribution at Maximum Roof Displacement Story Displacement (in.) Hazard Level: 10% in 50 yr.
Results – Parameterized Model Base Shear (kips) nonlinearBeamColumn FEMA 356 load distribution Roof Displacement (in.)
Distribution & Documentation Web-based distribution Accessible from UW website: –Data from numerical simulation: Gen II – basic model –Documentation of modeling decisions –Tcl script defining Van Nuys building To be developed - version control for models
Current Tasks Issue of model period –predicted period ~0.9 seconds, observed is 1.5 sec. –May need to run model through San Fernando record to pre-damage the building Gravity loading – this determines point of yielding Shear / splice failure Distrubiton of results (story drift & acc.)