Creative Processes and Content Business Management EUROPEAN UNION Structural Funds The State Provincial Office of Oulu Education Department
Creative Processes and Content Business Management What is Content Business? What are Creative Processes in Content Business? What kind of expertise is needed in Content Business? What is the university’s role in Content Business development? What is CreaM Project? - Objectives, target groups and actions.
What is Content Business? 1) Content creation: Innovating ideas, developing, packaging and distributing documentary, cultural, educational, informational, entertainment, marketing etc. content and services in technological environments. -Content business industry is divided into several sub-groups, such as games, web and mobile content, music, audiovisual production, film, animation, print, advertising, marketing etc. -Overlapping with other digital industries: software business, digital learning business industries, etc. 2) Controlling immaterial and copy rights, IPR. 3) Business management and leadership. Common issues facing all content companies are business development issues. Questions about new business models, cluster development and innovation chain are crucial.
Innovation Chain in Content Creation Creative processes in content business consist of the different phases in the innovation chain. Special emphasis is in the development phase. What kind of expertise is needed in creative processes in content creation and in content business? IdeaPackagingDevelopmentMarketing Distribution Customer
In order to master creative processes throughout the innovation chain, in its every phase, there has to be expertise in 1) content, 2) technologies, 3) business economics, 4) law, and 5) management. Controlling all fields of expertise leads to good management skills and good leadership. Fields of Expertise in Content Business MANAGEMENT Content Technology Law Business Economics
Content Expertise Creative problem solving Multidiciplinary competence Substance competence Understanding content value Script writing and concept design skills Cross media competence Interaction design Product development Applying new technologies Controlling different kind of production processes Production environment expertise All-round education (New media culture as innovation environment, m-cult, Minna Tarkka and Tapio Mäkelä 2002)
Business Management and Content Development Expertise Communication and negotiation skills Good learning skills, flexibility, tolerance towards changes Internationalisation Marketing and business communication Innovation/Value chain competence Networking R & D Recruitment Business planning IPR, contract law Distribution Financing Team play leadership, co-operation skills (New media culture as innovation environment, m-cult, Minna Tarkka and Tapio Mäkelä 2002)
What is CreaM Project? The project starts from the premise that content business needs diverse understanding of content, technology and business management. New innovations and profitable business solutions presume both an ability to manage creative processes and a clear conception of chances to commercialize the services and products to be created. Currently there are no people who fulfill these requirements. This is an obstacle to the growth and internationalisation of the field. There is a need for a multidiciplinary graduate level study program and research focusing on various fields of content creation and development, digital and mobile technology, and business and management skills in creative processes and content business. Multidiciplinary education and research program would promote the growth and internationalisation of business in the content field.
What is CreaM Project? CreaM is a research, development and educational project strengthening the operational preconditions of content field in education and research as well as in enterprises. The target group of the project consists of the enterprises, organizations, projects, researchers, instructors, other experts and students in the field.
CreaM – Actions - Research 1.Research -Recruitment of 5 project researchers from various fields of content business (fall 2005 – fall 2006). -Requirements: Master’s degree, working experience in content field, a research plan. -Reports, articles, publications, educational material. -International and national workshops, seminars and conferences.
CreaM – Actions - Reseach 1. Research The project staff will associate the work of the research group. The research work of the group will be instructed and advised by the board members of the project, and by other experts from various fields in content business, management, arts and design, film and media producing, software, technology, mobile content and solutions, research and development, etc. Network of experts = research group + project staff + board members + other experts
CreaM – Actions - Education 2. Education -”Experts train experts”, ”sharing expertise” and communal learning processes: -Network meetings. -The research group collaboration and synergy. -Other educational events: workshops, seminars, conferences → Open to all people interested in the field. -Personal advising of the research group members: the project board members (doctors and professors) work as personal mentors to the researchers.
CreaM – Actions - Education 2. Education Education planning: One aim of the research group is to enhance the plans to establish a new multidisciplinary and international study program in content field at the University of Oulu.
CreaM – Actions - Networking 3. International and national networking and collaboration.
Creative Processes and Content Business Management, CreaM Provided by: University of Oulu, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Art Studies and Anthropology Financed by: European Union, Structural Funds The State Provincial Office of Oulu, Education Department City of Oulu Companies Schedule: 1/ /2007 Total budget: €
Contact Project Co-ordinator Jetta Eklöf, Gsm (0) Project Manager Sanna Karkulehto, Gsm (0) Department of Art Studies and Anthropology CreaM P.O. Box 1000 FIN University of Oulu