Department of Environmental Sciences And Policy Central European University Nádor u. 9, Budapest, H-1051 Hungary Phone: (36 1) Fax: (36 1)
Overview Created in 1995 (Summer Courses date back to 1991) Combines training in science and humanities 7 permanent faculty members, 1 research assistant, 2 administrative staff MSc Programme accredited by the University of Manchester (UK) and the NY State Board of Regents (US). PhD Programme started in 2002/2003 in collaboration with the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences
Students In we had about 200 students at summer schools, Since 1995 about 500 students from 40+ countries completed our Master’s program, Overall number of Department alumni is therefore about 700.
We are looking for Academic and intellectual excellence Career promise –including commitment to environmental causes Contribution to course diversity
Master of Science Program students per year, 16 full scholarships per year 46 credits to be earned from Sept to July: –First semester- core course (18 credits); –Second semester- elective courses (18 credits should be selected from the offered 36); –18-week research module (10 credits). Around distinguished visiting professors coming every year from Europe and North America Using GIS, the Internet, the Systems Laboratory, field trips and practical studies
Teaching and graduate research Most popular thesis topics: biodiversity conservation, water management, environmental standards, energy, environmental impact assessment, environmental policy Air Pollution and Climate, Biodiversity and Conservation, Energy, Environmental Assessment and Management, Environmental Policy, GIS and Modeling, Food and Agriculture, Industrial Waste and Pollution, Urban Sustainability, Water Management, Environmental Health
Alumni destinations, %
PhD program Started in 2002, 10 students per year (5 full- time on CEU scholarships, 5 part-time on full tuition fee waiver) Full-time students should complete course work in one year and the thesis by the end of the third year Part-time students have two years to complete course work and up to six years to work on their theses 8 Institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are involved in teaching at PhD level
PhD Program
Key Research Themes and Partners Climate change and energy policy –CO 2 Emissions & Mitigation in CEE –Work for the Inter-Governmental Committee – on Climate Change (IPCC) –Energy Policy for Economies in Transition Environmental Impact Assessment State of the Environment - Global Environmental Outlook (UNEP) Corporate sustainability reporting (IFC, Global Reporting Initiative) Environmental Policy Integration (European Environment Agency)
Summary Interdisciplinary program combining science and policy training Focus on key environmental policy issues of the region Excellence, diversity, and enthusiasm for the environment
Further information Central European University Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy Nádor u. 9, Budapest, H-1051 Hungary Phone: (36 1) Fax: (36 1)