INTRODUCTION It is aimed to explain the reasons of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and why Ukranians live under the dominance of Russia in many years.
OUTLINE: Includes; autonomy desire of Ukraine,breaking Ukraine into pieces,to become a member of USSR,the famine in Excludes; the social life,economy,culture, religion and art.
Furthermore after the bolshevik coup, the council initially recognized a new republic,they proclaimed it as Ukranian People’s Republic. From 5 to 1
After the Bolsheviks’ occupation, the bolsheviks were forced to cede Ukraine to Germany under the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. occupation, From 6 to 2
After the breaking of Ukraine into pieces, eastern and central lands formed the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republics.(SSR) Socialist From 7 to 3
The collectivization of agriculture, which was organized by Bolsheviks, had severe consequences for the republic. It is resulted in famine and 7m. Ukranian died.famine From 8 to 4.
When the Russian Empire collapsed Ukranian nationalists set up a council and demanded Ukranian autonomy from the Government autonomy
The Bolsheviks established a rival government in Kharkov,and by february 1918 almost the whole of Ukraine was occupied by Soviet forces.
The Treaty of Riga, which formally ended the Soviet-Polish War,assigned Western Ukraine to Poland central lands formed the Ukranian SSR.
The Ukranian SSR was one of the founding members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), in december 1922.
SOCIALISM: It is a set of left-wing political principles based on the belief that the state should own industries on behalf of the people and that everyone should be equal.
FAMINE: It is a serious shortage of food in a country, which may cause many deaths, it is especially resulted in wars, collectivization of agriculture or scarcity.
AUTONOMY: A country, organization, or group that governs or controls itself independently rather than being controlled by anyone else.
OCCUPATION: When a foreign army moves into a country and takes control of it, you can refer to this as the occupation of that country.