The PowerPoint Clock Jonathan Sprinkle Inspired by Ken Birman’s Clock.ppt With help from Christopher Brooks Distribution unlimited, but please consider crediting the original authors if you find great success and begin to distribute the clock to others.
How to use the PPT Clock Using animation and slide transition timing, it is possible to have PPT behave like an RTOS The notation, (t 1,t 2 ] indicates that there are between t 1 and t 2 minutes remaining in the presentation time. In the windows version, a red dot moves from the right to left of the screen, to indicate the relative time remaining. Since the display is somewhat unintuitive, it can be useful to demonstrate the clock to an audience The interface is meant to distract in the last few minutes of speaking time, to grab attention; please have the laptop be in full view of the speaker, but not the audience. To add new slides, please change timings on surrounding slides, both on slide transition, and ball timing Enjoy your new “on time” schedule!!
Minutes Remaining (40,60]
Minutes Remaining (30,40]
Minutes Remaining (25,30]
Minutes Remaining (20,25]
Minutes Remaining (15,20]
Minutes Remaining (10,15]
Minutes Remaining (7,10]
Minutes Remaining (5,7]
Minutes Remaining (3,5]
Minutes Remaining (1,3]
Minutes Remaining (0,1]
Minutes Remaining 0
Minutes Remaining p you Presentations, s.t. len(p you ) ≥ t max Please, please think about stopping soon…