System and Software Architecting Views Elliot Axelband 10/24/06
Views and Viewpoints Consider a Building as a Metaphor for a System Applicable Views –Esthetic View –User/Functional/Operational View –Structural View –Electrical View –Heating/Air Conditioning View –Etc. –Building and Operating Costs - Financial View –Codes & Applicable Restrictions - Technical View –Time line/Schedule View (Concept, Design, Build, Use/Sustain, Retire - The Life Cycle) Each View is the Viewpoint of a View holder Views are Domain Specific
Frameworks Categories for Organizing Views DoDAF (DoD Architecture Framework) –Technical View - All applicable codes and Restrictions –Operational View - How the System will be used - The CONOPS –System View - How the System is Defined - What it is
What is a System? “Systems Architecting - Creating & Building Complex (Innovative) Systems”, Rechtin “The Art of Systems Architecting”, Maier and Rechtin “A system is a set of different elements so connected or related as to perform a unique function not performable by the elements alone” E.g.: An automobile (the system) provides transportation not provided by its components (subsystems) alone: the motor, transmission, suspension, body, etc. Note: The subsystems of systems are often systems Note: The concept of systems has broad application to different domains: buildings, automobiles, computers, “stand-alone” software, computer chips, commercial and military aircraft, organizations, businesses (enterprises - Enterprise SE), universities…
F-35, Joint Strike Fighter In Development Provides very advanced Capabilities (Complex and Innovative) Largest Military Procurement - $400B, >2000A/C 30,000 # plus, >10K parts,One Pilot,17M LOC 3 Variants for US Application - Air Force, Navy, Marine National and Multi-National Partners and Multi-National Users Fully Networked
F-35 Architecture
F-35 Architecture - Systems & Software, It’s Everywhere
Defense System Life Cycle Source: DAU Handbook
Defense System Development Buy/Code/ Manufacture System Need System Design Subsystem Design Component Design Component Subsystem System Decomposition Integration & Test Time Requirements - Design - Manufacture - Assemble - Test Verification and Validation
Defense System Development-1 Buy/Code/ Manufacture* System Need System Design Subsystem Design Component Design Component Subsystem System System* Decomposition Integration Time Requirements - Design - Manufacture - Assembly - Test Verification and Validation Redesign is a part of Design; Design is Experimental & Iterative;Spiral Development It takes 3 passes through the Development Process to field a Production System: - 1st when System* is a Prototype (SDD), - 2nd when Manufacture* is a Prototype (LRP), - 3rd at the start of Full Rate Production
Incremental Development Source: DAU Handbook
A Research Agenda for CSSE Redesign is part of design. It will never be completely eliminated. But there is huge payoff in reducing it Redesign can be reduced by better predictive system design tools, that is, Modeling and Simulation Predictive Design Tools Modeling is domain dependent, so a broad set of technical skills and an emphasis on collaboration is required Such a Research Agenda plays to CSSE and USC strengths –A Research University with a broad set of skills and an emphasis on internal collaboration (ORUs) and external collaboration (MOUs) –USC’s Computing* Emphasis: Petacomputing, New Faculty Req’ts –CSSE’s record of collaboration and accomplishment with COCOMO*, COSISMO and other cost estimation M&S Predictive Design Tools –Other opportunities, a sampler: Weight Estimation, Product Cost Estimation Scaleable MANET Networks, IA Net-centric Issues Software/Software compatibility, Software/Hardware Compatibility, Integration Maturity, Risk Management Logistics for Incremental Procurements Human Factors* Efficient Manufacture****
Research Funding –“If there’s Money, the Faculty will come” –Industrial Affiliates –NSF, DARPA - Not yet in systems, but growing interest INCOSE Vision –Growing DoD Interest Competition - A good thing –MIT –Georgia Tech –Stanford –Cornell –Etc.
Congratulations to CSSE! There are great opportunities to make a difference, where it is important to do so.