The Little Room Project Maryfe Culiat Joseph Hernandez Jesse Kanda Mary Liang
United Cerebral Palsy Assoc. “Little Room” “The purpose of the “Little Room” is to facilitate the blind child’s achievement of spatial relations and reaching behavior, but it can be of considerable help for sighted low-functioning children.” Left: Short version Right: Tall version The Little Room reduces outside environmental sounds Objects with sensory simulation are hung through a plexiglass ceiling Child receives feedback with little movement
Project Overview Our current objectives 1. Place a volume control on a floor piano in order to mute the sound. 2. Modify strings of lights with an on/off (flat) switch and light intensity switch (0-10 dial). 3. Add a light intensity control for a flashlight (0-10 dial). 4.Find and test alternative materials to replace “Little Room” walls.
Approach Roles –Maryfe: Lead Contact –Joseph: Project Manager –Jesse: Project Financer –Mary: Project Helper
Goals Complete all tasks as requested by UCP If requested, construct a fully functional “Little Room”
Proposed Schedule Gantt Chart – The Little Room Project TaskStart DateDuration Install volume control on piano weeks Modify lights for on/off & intensity switches weeks Modify flashlights for intensity control week Test alternative materials to replace walls ?
Potential Problems Defective Parts I/O interface considerations (D/A, A/D) Hazardous objects to child Project and Time Management
What We Hope to Gain Understanding of the real demands of an engineering project. Using Teamwork effectively. Ability to manage our resources and time effectively. Ability to apply our classroom knowledge to our project.