Business Information Systems Research Project in Information Systems (IS4401) 2008 / 2009
Have draft proposal ready Allocation of supervisors to students Establish schedule for weekly project group meetings Initial feedback from supervisors This week
What are we aiming at? “Underlying the expectation of performance increases is the belief that information can be captured and disseminated throughout the organisation more quickly to help individuals do their jobs better by making better decisions” Arnold, V. (2006), Behavioural research opportunities: Understanding the impact of enterprise systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, draft accepted Feb 2006
FYP 2007 segmentation
FYP 2008 segmentation
Thursday 2 nd Ocotober (Don O’Leary, Google) –Importance of customer requirements –System specification –Innovation Thursday 9 th October –Picking a database –Development environments Thursday 16 th October –Web-site hosting and implementation –Other technologies Coaching sessions
Objective : aim of the project Project client, name of company if relevant Requirements : describe problem domain / business need Scope of project proposed : what it does / doesn’t cover Benefits for users : speed, efficiency, control, quality,... Technical specification: –Data requirements (eg. Customers, products,...) –Interface requirements (does system need to talk to other systems) –Technologies used (hardware, software) Proposed timeframe Proposal guideline
Scope of project proposed : eg. inventory control for car repairs business Objective : eg. automate sales order processing and purchase orders so that spare parts inventory is always up to date Project client or sponsor (eg. Dunmanway Motors Ltd.) Requirements : eg. ability to record and transmit sales and purchase orders accurately and with minimal errors, real-time view of inventory levels Benefits for users : eg. single source of data entry, better control of spare parts in stock, reports (for sales, purchasing and inventory) Technical specification: –Data requirements (eg. customers, products,...) –Interface requirements (does system need to talk to other systems) –Technologies used (eg. for development, MySQL for database) Proposed timeframe (Analysis & Design, Development, Test, Implementation) FYP proposal guideline
Are there more marks for an innovative project? How do I get the best marks? Can the project be for a placement company? Does project have to be for a real-life company? Can I use non-standard technologies? Can the project be done as part of a larger system? Frequently asked questions
Make sure the requirements are clear Set-up a reliable communication channel Client feedback on system is vital Ensure that the final handover is clean You must be able to demo the system here! When doing a project for a company
Technologies : non-standard s/w Requirement should first be cleared with supervisor (use standard s/w or laptop) Software must be licensed: written approval from technical staff first! Any machine “compromise” is resolved by cloning! Machines in Lab 1.12 are shared, therefore installing specific software doesn’t make it your machine