SEED and Barney Family Organic Garden Summer and Fall 2009
SEED/Barney Family Organic Garden Grown on front lawn of Barney Family Home, 1940 Orrington Received help from Linda Kruhin of the Talking Farm SEED members planted vegetables in June SEED volunteers tended to garden and harvested vegetables throughout the summer Some food went to Campus Kitchens. Amounts of veggies too small to go to CK went to Barney Family
Early in the summer, the garden began to bloom. We were able to harvest lettuce and parsley on a nearly weekly basis throughout the summer. Above: the beginning stage of our tomato plants. To the right: the early stages of our broccoli, parsley, and edamame plants.
A close up of the lovely Italian parsley in June.
Close up of the two peppers that grew successfully!
Close up of the broccoli in late September. We were able to harvest the broccoli nearly weekly through August and September.
Close up of a ripe tomato in the garden in late September.