Viewing 8086 memory-areas A peek into the video display memory, the real-mode Interrupt Vector Table, and the ROM-BIOS DATA AREA.


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Presentation transcript:

Viewing 8086 memory-areas A peek into the video display memory, the real-mode Interrupt Vector Table, and the ROM-BIOS DATA AREA

Hexadecimal displays The ability to exhibit computer-data in a form that’s understandable will be vital for exploring (and for debugging) our system The easiest scheme for doing it will be to show binary values in hexadecimal format Let’s look at a straightforward algorithm to convert any 16-bit number into a string of (four) hexadecimal numerals

Our ‘ax2hex’ procedure We create an array of the ascii-codes for the sixteen hexadecimal digit-characters hex:.ascii “ ABCDEF” Our procedure expects the binary value to be in register AX and the memory-address for the hex-string is in registers DS:DI Our procedure will preserve the contents of the CPU’s registers (no ‘side-effects’)

A 4-bit left-rotation AX = (Before rotation) (After rotation) Hi-nybble Lo-nybble

A bitwise ‘AND’ opration BX = ???????? Lo-nybble $0xF = (Before masking) (After masking) (bitmask-value) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ================ Lo-nybble BL is copied from AL Unknown bits in BH Thus the lo-nybble (4-bits) gets ‘zero-extended’ to its equivalent 16-bit value

Array ‘lookup’ operation ‘0’‘1’‘2’‘3’‘4’‘5’‘6’‘7’‘8’‘9’‘A’‘B’‘C’‘D’‘E’‘F’ hex: 0004 BX = hex( %bx ) = ‘4’ ‘4’ buf: &buf DS:DI = ‘4’ DL = mov hex( %bx ), %dl mov %dl, %ds:( %di ) So the number 4 in BX gets converted to the numeral ‘4’ in the ‘buf’ array-cell at DS:DI

Algorithm implementation ax2hex: # converts the word-value in AX to a hex-string at DS:DI pusha# save general registers mov $4, %cx# setup digit-count nxnyb: rol$4, %ax# rotate hi-nybble into AL mov%al, %bl# copy the nybble into BL and$0xF, %bx # isolate the nybble’s bits mov hex(%bx), %dl# lookup nybble’s ascii-code mov %dl, (%di)# store numeral into buffer inc%di# advance the buffer index loopnxnyb# generate remaining digits popa# restore saved registers ret# return control to the caller hex:.ascii“ ABCDEF”# array of hex numerals

Algorithm applications We can use this binary-to-hex algorithm to view the contents of two memory-regions which ROM-BIOS startup-code initializes: –The table of ‘real-mode’ interrupt vectors –The values in the ROM-BIOS DATA-AREA Two ‘boot-sector’ demo-programs are named ‘viewivt.s’ and ‘viewrbda.s’ They are on the CS 630 website:

Direct-Drawing to VRAM Both demo-programs perform their display by writing character-codes directly into the text-mode video-display memory-region (it starts at memory-address 0x000B8000) Each onscreen character is controlled by a pair of adjacent bytes in the video memory Background color Foreground color ASCII character-code Byte at odd-numbered offset Byte at even-numbered offset

Drawing ‘A’ in top-left corner Here’s a fragment of assembly-language code that draws an uppercase letter ‘A’ in the top-left corner of the screen (using the normal ‘white-on-black’ color-attributes): mov $0xB800, %ax# address VRAM segment mov %ax, %es# using the ES register xor %di, %di# point ES:DI at top-left cell movb $’A’, %es:0(%di)# draw character-code to VRAM movb $0x07, %es:1(%di)# draw attribute-codes to VRAM

Organization of VRAM The first 80 byte-pairs in video memory (at offsets 0, 2, 4, …, 158) control the top row (row 0) on the screen (left-to-right order) Then the next 80 byte-pairs (offsets 160, 162, 164, …, 318) control the next row of text on the screen (i.e., row number 1) Altogether there are 25 rows of text, with 80 characters per row, when the display is programmed at startup for ‘standard’ text-mode

We need more rows for IVT The real-mode Interrupt Vector Table has room for 256 ‘pointers’ (each pointer being a doubleword segment-and-offset value) Not enough cells in the 80x25 text mode to view all 256 of the ‘vectors’ simultaneously We need 9 characters for each vector (i.e., 8 hex-digits, plus a space for separation), but 256 x 9 is greater than 80 x 25 =2000

Solution We can invoke a ROM-BIOS function that reprograms the display-hardware to show twice as many rows (in smaller-size text) Here’s a code-fragment to accomplish it: mov$0x0003, %ax# set standard 80x25 textmode int$0x10# invoke BIOS video service mov$0x1112, %ax# load 80x50 character-glyphs int$0x10# invoke BIOS video service

Code ‘reuse’ Our earlier ‘ax2hex’ procedure converts a word into a string of hexadecimal digits But each interrupt-vector is a doubleword! We could use a new procedure: ‘eax2hex’ But it’s easier if we just call ‘ax2hex’ twice This requires us to clearly understand the Pentium’s scheme for addressing memory (i.e., the ‘little-endian’ storage convention)

‘Little endian’ versus ‘Big endian’ 0x0369CF25 EAX = 25 CF CF ‘Little endian’ convention (least-significant byte is at lowest memory-address) ‘Big endian’ convention (most-significant byte is at lowest memory-address) Intel x86 CPU’s use ‘little endian’ storage contention Power-PC processor uses ‘big-endian’ convention

Example: convert vector 0 to hex buf:.ascii“xxxxxxxx”# room for 8 hex-digits Vector0: xor%bx, %bx# address bottom of memory mov%bx, %fs# using register-pair FS:BX mov%fs:0(%bx), %ax# fetch vector’s low-word leabuf+4, %di# point DS:DI to position callax2hex# convert AX to hex-string mov%fs:2(%bx)m %ax# fetch vector’s high-word leabuf+0, %di# point DS:DI to position callax2hex# convert AX to hex-string # OK, ‘buf’ now holds the 8-digit hex-string representing vector 0

‘Real-Mode’ Memory Map BOOT_LOCN 0x00007C00 0x00007E bytes ROM-BIOS VRAM IVT RAM Vendor’s Firmware Video Display Memory No installed memory Volatile Program Memory 1-MB RBDA 0x x x bytes 256 bytes Extended BIOS Data Top of RAM (= 0x000A0000) Video-ROM 128 kbytes 64+ kbytes

Tool for exploring 8086 memory We have written a Linux device-driver, and a companion application-program, that lets you view the bottom megabyte of memory First you have to compile, and then install, the ‘8086.c’ device-driver kernel-object: $ mmake 8086 $ /sbin/insmod 8086.ko Then you can execute our ‘fileview’ tool: $./fileview /dev/8086

‘fileview’ commands You use arrow-keys to navigate memory, or to enter specific addresses You can adjust the hexadecimal formatting (‘B’ = byte, ‘W’ = word, ‘D’ = doubleword) You can quit by hitting the -key

Examples View ROM-BIOS code at 0xF0000 View Interrupt Vectors at 0x00000 View ROM-BIOS DATA at 0x00400 View Text-mode VRAM at 0xB8000 View Video ROM-BIOS at 0xC0000 View the BOOT_LOCN at 0x07C00 (Note: Linux may have ‘overwritten’ some areas that ROM-BIOS startup-code set up)

Question The Extended BIOS Data Area resides in a portion of RAM that’s usually just below the VRAM memory-area (at 0x000A0000) This portion of RAM is subtracted from the total RAM available to operating systems So where’s the top of the ‘unused’ portion of the installed RAM?

BIOS ‘Get MemSize’ function There’s a function your real-mode code can call to find out where ‘top-of-ram’ is This function requires no arguments; it merely returns a value in the AX register That value gives the size of the memory (in kilobytes) that lies below ‘top-of-ram’ You call this routine using:int $0x12

Our ‘memsize.s’ demo If you assemble, link, and install our demo, it will show you the size of ‘free’ memory when you reboot your workstation $ cp /home/web/cruse/cs630/memsize.s. $ as memsize.s –o memsize.o $ ld memsize.o -T ldscript -o memsize.b $ dd if=memsize.b of=/dev/sda4 Now boot from the GRUB ‘CS 630 partition’