The Golden Age of Weimar
Learning Objectives
Success Criteria
Challenge Criteria
Think about the Kaiserreich vs the Weimar Republic
William Shirer: correspondent of the Chicago Tribune
Deutsch Kultur vor dem ersten Weltkrieg- how hat es sich verändert?
Neue Sachlichkeit
Georg Grosz: Grey Day (1921) Architect of the new republic War veteran Faceless workerBusiness
Georg Grosz: The Eclipse of the Sun (1926) Hindenburg His ministers The public Big Business
Kabarett und Theater
Nachtleben und Diskotheken
Otto Dix: Big City
Das Kino
Bauhaus Bauhaus- University, Weimar
The foyer of Bauhaus-University, Weimar
A clash of cultures
Images Prostitutes buying cocaine
Disparity between rich and poor