1 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Chapter 7 Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Chapter 7 Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes Smith

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 2 質量平衡式 能量平衡式 熵平衡式

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 3 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.1 題旨 三個平衡方程式的運用與 應用

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 4


6 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.2 題旨 蒸氣表之熱力物性數據的 使用

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 7



10 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.3 題旨 利用狀態方程式來提供計 算使用,以取得熱力物性 數據

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 11

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 12

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 13

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 14

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 15

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 16 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.4 題旨 以對應狀態理論,來取得 熱力物性數據

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 17

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 18

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 19 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.5 題旨 相關物性的定義,描述熱 力性質交互變化的關係之 性質。 或者可說為,定義之變數 性質描述了:兩熱力變數 交互變化之效應的大小。

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 20 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.6 題旨 渦輪機的操作計算

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 21

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 22 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.7 題旨 膨脹器的操作計算

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 23

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 24

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 25

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 26

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 27 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.8 題旨 壓縮機的操作計算

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 28

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 29 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.9 題旨 壓縮機的操作計算

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 30

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 31

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 32 Smith & Van Ness 範例 7.10 題旨 泵的操作計算

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 33

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 34

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 35

Chapter 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes 36 劇情如何發展? 敬請期待!