turing-intro.ppt version:
Turing 1936: “On Computable Numbers” William J. Rapaport Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Philosophy, Department of Linguistics, and Center for Cognitive Science
Hilbert’s “Entscheidungsproblem” “Decision Problem”: – proposition of math, ? finite procedure (algorithm) that “decides” its truth-value? or that proves/disproves it? –Possibly: such proposition, such a proof/disproof but no algorithmic way to find it –Gödel: true proposition G of arithmetic such that ¬ proof of G
Turing 1936 age ≈ 24 (!) analysis of idealized human computer intuitive conception of “mechanical calculation” –Euclid Leibniz Babbage Hilbert formal mathematical theory (TM) –convinced Gödel, because of intuitive simplicity showed: –intuitive conception formal theory -calculus –showed Decision Problem unsolvable Halting Problem not computable –existence of Universal TM (= programmable computer)