Lesson 3: What Are the Common Elements of Culture?
What Have We Looked At So Far??? Definition of Culture – Lesson 1 How culture is a universal concept How culture is classified as material and non-material Now: Elements of culture
Some Elements of Culture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3223arBprk&feature=related From watching the video, how can we compare some of that culture to our own culture?
Read Together Page 11 What examples of culture do you think fall under each element? How do you think these elements will affect our daily lives???
Read pages 12-13 in your groups. After reading about these pages, discuss in your groups what you learned about each element, and how we use them in our daily lives. Let’s write some down!!!
Question Read together page 14 Do you think wikipedia.org is a reliable site? Why or why not? Do you think all newspaper articles are accurate and reliable? Why or why not?
Read the following short story entitled “The Fun They Had” by Isaac Asimov Discuss in your groups the questions on the checklist on the back page
For Next Class Bring in two or three photos of you. We will be making a class culture collage. Make sure your photos are cultural!