Advanced Higher Sciences Launch events March 15.


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Presentation transcript:

Advanced Higher Sciences Launch events March 15

Keep up to date Sign up for our STEM e-bulletin which brings the best news about STEM activities, resources, events and professional learning straight to your inbox Transforming lives through learning

 Revised Advanced Higher Material on Education Scotland website  Further Advanced Higher materials published (April 2015)  Learning Journeys  Resources Guides  Route maps  Cross authority writing groups  Sharing Practice Network Advanced Higher update

Shared resources SDELG 2006

Developing our Young Workforce SDELG 2006  STEM at heart of agenda  10,000 foundation apprenticeships coming  Pilots in Fife and West Lothian  Colleges increasingly important role - NCs and HNCs  Work-based learning/industry links  Articulation from colleges to degree programmes

“In Scotland, who you are is far more important than what school you attend.” p59, OECD Report 2007

A child in care is more likely to go to prison than university. “ ”

What next?  Cross-Authority Writing Groups  Sharing Practice Network  Higher Sciences website revision  Sciences Briefings  Continue to develop support for BGE and NQ  Professional Learning videos  Shared resources through GLOW sciences 