US Balance of Payments CA + FA (KA) = ZERO
Global Patterns of U.S. Merchandise Tradeobal Patterns of U.S. Merchandise Trade
The Martian Revisited A cause of these reductions in poverty and global inequality: the fast growth of Asian countries, above all China. According to the World Bank between 1981 and 1999 the proportion of people in the east Asia and Pacific region living on less than $1 a day fell from 56 per cent to 16 per cent. In China, it fell from 61 to 17 per cent. In South Asia, too, the fall was rapid, from 52 to 31 per cent.
Women Men Gender Discrimination in Tariffs on Clothing
Source: BLS
Problem: workers have to come up with 35% of the health insurance premium.
The Personal Math of Trade Adjustment For more than 80 years, the people of Webb Furniture crafted wooden dressers and other furniture here at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. In January, under pressure from Chinese imports, Webb shuttered its Galax plant and fired all 309 employees. Ms. Graber, 32 years old, followed her family into the furniture mills where her $7.66-an-hour job with health benefits was a big draw since her son has asthma and needs medication. While working she paid $200 a month for insurance including dental and vision care. The tax credit alternative for coverage for herself and her son would run about $400 a month, not including dental or vision. After the government picked up 65% of the tab, her portion would have been $140 a month -- plus a $500 annual deductible and $20 co- payments for doctor's office visits and medication. Her unemployment check is $404 every two weeks, < $900/month. She enrolled her son in a children's health program that falls under Medicaid, the state-federal program for low-income families. She didn't qualify -- she says she was told her income is too high -- so she goes without health insurance, "praying to God.. not to get sick." She is training at Wytheville Community College near Galax to become a respiratory therapist. Her tuition is paid through the TAA program. DEBORAH SOLOMON, “Federal Aid Does Little For Free Trade's Losers” WSJ March 1, 2007; Page A1