1 Moving Telework Forward in the Commonwealth Robin Mack Mack Global Consulting,CEO TELEWORKTELEWORK TELEWORKTELEWORK
2 Seminar Agenda Agenda TopicTime Introduction5 minutes Agency Telework Status15 minutes Statewide Telework Day10 minutes Benefits of Telework35 minutes Questions & Group Collaboration 30 minutes How Mack Global can help15 minutes Survey10 minutes
3 Telework Coordinator Trivia If Jane’s productivity drops from 95 cases closed to 5 cases closed on her telework day, do you… A. Increase her telework days to giver her more ‘practice’ B. Ignore her productivity and go to Disney Land C. Tell her to cease teleworking until (you know what) freezes over
4 Eligible State Employees 24.7% eligible
5 20% Goal Status (individual agencies)
6 Eligible Employees Teleworking
7 Moving in the Right Direction 77.8% of eligible employees are still not teleworking 50% = 11,759 employees
8 Statewide Telework Day – Monday August 3,
9 Statewide Telework Day – Monday August 3,
10 TELEWORK DAY TOTALS (accumulative) $8,576 Total amount saved by teleworking on Telework Day 11,463 Number of pounds of pollutants saved on Telework Day 5.73 Number of tons of pollutants saved on Telework Day $428,824 Total amount saved by teleworking one day a week for a year Statewide Telework Day – Monday August 3,
11 Telework Coordinator Trivia If John is the only one who has ‘technical’ difficulty on his telework day, do you… A. Sign John up for computer 101 classes B. Insist John telework’s at his neighbor Bob’s house C. Try to resolve John’s problem
12 Benefits of Telework Increase Productivity Increase Work/Life Balance Increase Employee Savings Positive Environment Impacts Improve Retention Improve Recruitment Enhance Business Continuity Reduce Operating Cost
13 Enhance Business Continuity work from any location react immediately maintain employee productivity Success Stories DOT COOP Exercise IRS in Washington, DC
14 Increase Productivity less disruption reduce commute time more conscious work effort Success Stories Maryland DOT – 27% American Express – handled 26% more calls/produced 43% more business AT&T - $100 million savings per year from productivity increases JD Edwards – 20-25% Compaq – 15% - 45%
15 Improve Retention flexible work schedule promote work-life balance entrust employees Success Stories AT&T report CCH report VA Department of Taxation
16 Increase Work/Life Balance reduce stress increase flexibility improve morale Statistics and Reports Penn State University Research Federal employee statistics U.S. News and World Report Article
17 Telework Coordinator Trivia If Tom consistently calls every day with yet another telework policy interpretation question, do you… A. Tell Tom to re-write it himself B. Give him the telework policy for dummies manual C. Patiently answer his questions
18 Improve Recruitment attract more qualified employees become an employer of choice reduce commute time and miles Success Stories U.S. Patent and Trademark Office VA Department of Taxation
19 Positive Environment Impacts reduce fuel consumption promote energy efficiency reduce carbon footprint Statistics Telecommuting saves over 840 million gallons of fuel annually in the U.S. AT&T report Consumer Electronics Association Study Nortel’s report
20 Increase Employee Savings reduce spending on fuel and car maintenance reduce lunch expense reduce dry cleaning costs and professional work attire budget Statistics Average savings for one day teleworker is $1,200 annually Average savings for a home-based remote worker is $5,000 - $6,000 annually
21 Reduce Operating Cost Reduce real estate costs Reduce hiring and recruitment costs Reduce costs associated with increase productivity Success Stories U.S. Patent & Trademark Office IBM reduced real estate by 40-60% AT&T - $100 million (increased productivity), $18 million (reduced turnover) $25 million (reduced real estate) BT - $500 million (reduced real estate) Guidant Financial Group - $48,000 (rent and operational costs) Sun Microsystems - $67.8 million (real estate costs)
22 Questions and Group Collaboration Telework Questions Group Collaboration
23 Why aren’t more organizations teleworking? Fear Change The Unknown Technology
24 Telework Coordinator Trivia If Bob is the only person in his department deemed ‘uneligible’ to telework…do you A. Tell Bob he is truly “special” and that’s why he cannot telework B. Tell Bob he is extremely overqualified and that’s why he cannot telework C. Tell Bob to speak with his supervisor regarding eligibility requirements
25 We can help put the pieces together … Determine Employee Eligibility Management & Employee Training Tracking Tools to Measure Success Survey Results Cost-Benefit Analysis Strengthen Business Continuity Assess Technology Needs Develop Policies and Agreements Implement Successful Telework Program
26 Mack Global Consulting Services Plan Feasibility Assessment Eligibility Requirements Business Driver(s) Customized Policy Customized Agreement Technology Assessment Implement Pilot Implementation Survey Design Cost benefit analysis Overcoming Technology Barriers Manage Survey Design Integrating Business Continuity Program Expansion Tools Strategic Planning Integration Management Training Leading from a distance Building Performance Metrics for Employees Addressing ineligible employees Employee Training Transitioning to work remotely Mainintaining productivity Communication needs Measure Tracking Employee Data Reporting Program Results carbon emissions reduced energy saved number of jobs retained overhead savings productivity gains reduction in absenteeism
27 Complete Telework Manual for State Telework Coordinators Promoting TeleworkImplementing Telework Managing Telework Telework Program BenefitsEstablishing Business DriverProgram Evaluation Changing Agency CultureTelework PolicyTracking Employee Data Gaining Management Buy-inTelework AgreementTracking Cost Avoidance & Savings Gaining Employee Buy-inTraining for ManagementConducting Effective Surveys Determining Employee EligibilityTraining for EmployeesTelework and COOP Plan Addressing Ineligible EmployeesImplementing a PilotTelework and Strategic Plan Enhancing CommunicationReporting Program Results Overcoming Technology Barriers Program Expansion Frequently Asked QuestionsOffice Space Reduction Remote Workers Helpful Resources
28 Robin Mack Mack Global Consulting, CEO (804)