HRMS Software Head Office: Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. T-22, 3rd Floor Super Mall, Salunke Vihar Road, Wanowrie, Pune Office No (020) Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
Topics Covered Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. 1.Introduction 2.About HRMS Software 3.HRMS Flowchart 4.HRMS Startup 5.HRMS Master 6.Payroll Dashboard 7.Reports 8.Employee Login Screen
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Introduction Sinewave Computer Services Private Limited (SCSPL), is a company in business of providing business solutions mainly to Chartered Accountants, Tax Consultants and Corporate for past 25 years. The company specializes in Indian Taxation and HR Management solutions through its versatile products. Presently Sinewave has a compressive customer coverage right from Individuals to SMEs. Our clientele sector includes Chartered Accountants (CA’s), Cost Accountants (CWA’s), Tax Consultants, Education Institutions, Co-operative Societies, Banks, Service Industry, Small and Medium Scale (SME) industrial sector and many more. SCSPL, has multiple Taxation and other products, some of the major products are as follows: Taxbase. Taxbase LAN. VATXpress. Paywhiz Professional. eAudit ServiceTaxXpress. TDSXpress. XBRL Taxbase Suite - HRMS
About - HRMS Software In constant changing business environment enterprises need solutions that are not only efficient, but also easy to use and cost effective: which helps to complete business requirements and meet client expectations at the same time. HRMS software will reduce the work load on the HR operations, facilitate confidentiality, produce error-free information and enhance speed in accessing HR related information. Our online Taxbase Suite HRMS software caters to the need of Indian small and medium size enterprises and can automate their Employee’s HR, Payroll benefits Statutory Compliances and many more tasks easily without much IT overheads The main Salient feature of HRMS are: User friendly data entry screens. A Complete HRMS Management. Online payroll software for small and medium enterprises (SME). Maintain complete employee recruitment process. To reduce the maintenance cost and efforts. A complete online application. Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd.
Taxbase Suite (HRMS) System Management a. Organization Information b. User Mgt c. Rights Mgt d. Configure e. Upgrade Package Application Management Base Module HRMS Module 1. Individual 2. Business Entity 3. Relationship Master 4. Stakeholder 1. Module Setting 2. HRMS Master 3. Payroll 4.MIS Report HRMS Flowchart
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Startup GO to any Web Browser >> Type In Address Bar >> >> Click on Taxbase Suite – HRMS Click on Taxbase Suite – HRMS banner it goes to HRMS feature list, from there we can get to the login screen of HRMS
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Login Screen for HRMS Click here to register Organization and to view HRMS Pricing Structure.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. A. System Management 1. Organization Information: We can see list of Companies with the Organization details 2. User Management: We can define users in the User Management. 3. Right Management: We can create and assign rights to the users. 4. Configure: Theme can be changed (Blue and Brown) 5. Upgrade Package: Conversion of demo version to license version
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. B. Application Management – Base Module 1. Individual Master Information - Can Create and view details of every individual 2. Business Entity- can create various Businesses which are working and associated with the Company. 3. Relationship Master- can create the relationship between the Individual and Business Entity. 4. Stakeholder –Can view various stakeholders and their relationship with Organization
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Module – Module Setting In Module Setting- In module setting, salary structure is selected
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS MASTER DASHBOARD
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. In HRMS Module, following are the various features available, which needs to define and are considered as a base for HRMS Master. We can define Department, Designation, Kit Master, Branch Master, Location, Company Master, Salary Structure, Category Master, Category linking with Salary structure, Leave Master, Loan Master, Employee Master, Holiday list, setting, Define Organization Structure, Reimbursement Master HRMS Module - HRMS Master
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Master - Salary Structure Salary Structure- We can create Salary structure (earning, additions, deductions and other deductions) for various category
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Module - HRMS Master - Category Master Category Master - We can create various Category. We can create and allocate the salary structure to various category.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Master - Category linking with Salary Structure Category linking with Salary Structure: - Salary Structure is linked with Categories which are defined
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Module - HRMS Master - Employee Master We can view the list of employees along with their details in Employee Master
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Master -Employee Master - Defining new Employees
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Master - Organization Structure We can create the Vacancies and Organization Chart in the HRMS Module.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. PAYROLL DASHBOARD
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. HRMS Module – HRMS Master - Payroll Master In Payroll Master- entire Salary processing is done on monthly basis. It is divided into four parts 1.Payroll Configuration 2.Monthly Transaction 3.Pre Processing 4.Payroll Processing 5.Post Processing Each Part of Payroll is elaborated in the following slides
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Monthly Transaction Dashboard B.Monthly Transaction- At the time of salary processing, monthly transaction is updated in either of the following ways:- i. Excel Import Export Method or user needs to update through the below mentioned details:- ii. Rate Master, Location / Increments / Promotions, Loan details, Investment declarations, Attendance and Leave details Each Part of Monthly Transaction is elaborated in the following slides.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Monthly Transaction Dashboard- Location Changes / Increments / Promotions 2. Location Changes / Increments / Promotion Any change in Location, Increment, Promotion of an employee are saved on monthly basis
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Monthly Transaction Dashboard- Loan Details 3. Loan Details Monthly loan details are maintained of an employee
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Monthly Transaction Dashboard- Investment Declaration 4. Investment Declaration Declaration details given by employees data are entered in investment declaration
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Monthly Transaction Dashboard- Attendance details 5. Attendance details Monthly attendance details are update and saved for the monthly salary processing
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Preprocess Verification Preprocessing verification - Pre salary processing verification consists of 1.Monthly Transaction Verification 2.Confirm Checklist
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Preprocess Verification - Monthly Transaction Verification Monthly Transaction Verification - User can verify the Monthly changes, modifications done. Below are the data user can view 1.List of New Joinees for the month 2.Resigned Employees 3.Promotions and Transfers 4.Salary Structure 5.Loan details 6.Investment Declarations
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Preprocess Verification - Confirm Checklist Confirm Checklist- User needs to select confirm checklist, for the further Salary Processing.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Payroll Processing Payroll Processing Dashboard consists of the following – 1. Checklist Confirm 2. Employee Attendance and Leave Verification 3. Salary Processing
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Payroll Processing – Confirm Checklist Form Confirm Checklist form – Report is viewed of the Monthly Transaction Checklist
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Payroll Processing – Employee Attendance and Leave Verification Employee Attendance and Leave Verification Report is shown for the selected month
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Payroll Processing – Salary Compute Salary Compute - Once salary check list is verified and confirmed we need to click on to compute Salary for the Payroll Processing for the selected month
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Post Processing Payroll Post Processing – Payslip is generated and are mailed to employees.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master – Statutory Reports
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Master - Statutory Reports - Payslip Report
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. THANK YOU