Lecture 20 Object recognition I Pattern and pattern classes Classifiers based on Bayes Decision Theory Recognition based on decision-theoretical methods Optimum statistical classifiers Pattern recognition with Matlab
Patterns and Pattern classes A pattern is an arrangement of descriptors (features) Three commonly used pattern arrangements Vectors Strings Trees A pattern class is a family of patterns that share some common properties. Pattern recognition is to assign a given pattern to its respective class.
Example 1 Represent flow petals by features width and length Then three types of iris flowers are in different pattern classes
Example 2 Use signature as pattern vector
Example 3 Represent pattern by string
Example 4 Represent pattern by trees
2. Classifier based on Baysian Decision Theory Fundamental statistical approach Assumes relevant probabilities are known, compute the probability of the event observed, then make optimal decisions Bayes’ Theorem: Example: Suppose at Laurier, 50% are girl students, 30% are science students, among science students, 20% are girl students. If one meet a girl student at Laurier, what is the probability that she is a science student. B – girl students, A – science students. Then
Bayes theory Given x ∈ Rl and a set classes, ωi , i = 1, 2, . . . , c, the Bayes theory states that where P(ωi) is the a priori probability of class ωi ; i = 1, 2, . . . , c, P(ωi |x) is the a posteriori probability of class ωi given the value of x; p(x) is the probability density function (pdf ) of x; and p(x| ωi), i = 1 = 2, . . . , c, is the class conditional pdf of x given ωi (sometimes called the likelihood of ωi with respect to x).
Bayes classifier Let x ≡ [x(1), x(2), . . . , x(l)]T ∈ Rl be its corresponding feature vector, which results from some measurements. Also, we let the number of possible classes be equal to c, that is, ω1, . . . , ωc. Bayes decision theory: x is assigned to the class ωi if
Multidimensional Gaussian PDF
Example Consider a 2-class classification task in the 2-dimensional space, where the data in both classes, ω1, ω2, are distributed according to the Gaussian distributions N(m1,S1) and N(m2,S2), respectively. Let Assuming that, Classify x = [1.8, 1.8]T into ω1 or ω2 .
Solution The resulting values p1 = 0.042, p2 = 0.0189 m1=[1 1]'; m2=[3 3]'; S=eye(2); x=[1.8 1.8]'; p1=P1*comp_gauss_dens_val(m1,S,x); p2=P2*comp_gauss_dens_val(m2,S,x); The resulting values p1 = 0.042, p2 = 0.0189 According to the Bayesian classifier, x is assigned to ω1
Decision-theoretic methods Decision (discriminate) functions Decision boundary
Minimum distance classifier
Minimum Mahalanobis distance classifiers
Example x=[0.1 0.5 0.1]'; m1=[0 0 0]'; m2=[0.5 0.5 0.5]'; m=[m1 m2]; z1=euclidean_classifier(m,x) S=[0.8 0.01 0.01;0.01 0.2 0.01; 0.01 0.01 0.2]; z2=mahalanobis_classifier(m,S,x); z1 = 1 < z2 = 2 x is classified to w1
4. Matching by correlation Given a template w(s,t) (or mask), i.e. an m × n matrix, find the a sub m × n matrix in f(x,y) such that it best matches w, i.e. with largest correlation.
Correlation theorem [M, N] = size(f); f = fft2(f); w = conj(fft2(w, M, N)); g = real(ifft2(w.*f));
Case study Optical character recognition (OCR) See the reference Preprocessing Digitization, make binary Noise elimination, thinning, normalizing Feature Extraction (by character, word part, word) Segmentation (explicit or implicit) Detection of major features (top-down approach) Matching Recognition of character Context verification from knowledge base Understanding and Action See the reference
3. Optimum statistical classifiers
Bayes classifer for Gaussian pattern class Consider two patter classes with Gaussian distribution
N-dimensional case
A real example
Linear classifier Two classes f(x) is a separation hyperplane How to obtain the coefficients, or weights wi By perceptron algorithm
How to obtain the coefficients, or weights wi
The Online Form of the Perceptron Algorithm
The Multiclass LS Classifier The classification rule is now as follows: Given x, classify it to class ωi if