Hardware/Software System Design and Validation Dr. Xiaoyu Song Networked Sensors Architecture Platform based on Component-based Co-Verification A practical networked sensor architecture runs in the hardware software co-verification engine. Microsoft Research Giano and Mentor Graphics Seamless CVE are the two target verification environments. The architecture is platform dependent which can be applied to different applications such as home intelligence sensor, Bio-medical sensors, environmental sensors, and automobile sensors. The design is constructed with the component-based approach. The approach enforces both hardware IPs and software components reusability while maintaining a clear abstraction view for the system developers. Matlab and Simulink are used to construct a real world simulation environment for both sensor and network components. Low power consumption is considered as the system requirements is developed. The goal of this project is to enhance the co- verification environment as practical and realistic as possible. Scalable Co-Verification Based on Hardware IPs and Software Component, SRC The objective of the project is to develop a component- based approach to scalable hardware and software co- verification of embedded systems using formal methods such as model checking. The method unifies the concepts of hardware IPs and software components, leverages advances in assertion-based verification, extends effectiveness of compositional model checking for system-level co-verification, and facilitates verification reuse. F. He, X. Song, et al. Probabilistic optimization for FPGA board level routing problems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 53(4), , W. Hung, X. Song, G. Yang, et al. Optimal synthesis of multiple output Boolean functions using a set of quantum gates by symbolic reachability analysis. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 25(9), , W. Hung, X. Song. Routability checking for three-dimensional architectures. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 12(12), , L. Cheng, W. Hung, G. Yang, X. Song. Congestion estimation for 3D circuit architectures. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 51(12), , W. Hung, X. Song. Segmented channel routing via satisfiability. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 9(4), , X. Song, et al. Board-level multiterminal net assignment for the partial cross-bar architecture. IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 11(3), , W. Hung, X. Song, E. Aboulhamid. BDD variable ordering by scatter search. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 21(8), , Y. Wang, C. Pai, X. Song. The design of hybrid carry- lookahead/carry-select adders. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, 49(1), 16-24, Y. Wang, X. Song, M. Aboulhamid. Adder based residue to binary number converters. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 50(7), July, X. Song, Y. Tang, D. Zhou, Y. Wang. Wire space estimation and routability analysis for gate array chips. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 19(5), May X. Song and Y. Wang. On the crossing distribution problem. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 4(1), 39-51, S. Tahar, X. Song, E. Cerny, Z. Zhou, M. Langevin. Formal verification of an ATM switch fabric using multiway decision graphs. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 18(7), , July Y. Tang, X. Song, Y. Wang. Diagnosis of clustered faults for identical degree topologies. IEEE Transactions on Computer- Aided Design, 18(8), August Y. Tang and X. Song. Diagnosis for arbitrarily connected parallel computers. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 48(7), July Formal Verification by Generalized Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation, Intel Generalized symbolic trajectory evaluation (GSTE) is an extension of symbolic trajectory evaluation (STE). STE can handle large, industrial design and has been actively used in Intel, HP, IBM, and Motorola. GSTE was originally developed at Intel and has successfully demonstrated its powerful capacity in formal verification of digital systems. The goal of the project is to enhance the GSTE verification capability for complex system designs.