Aeries Conference Ontario March 9, 2015 Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission (EOY) Smarter Balanced – (SBAC) Agenda Fall 2 End of Year Submission (EOY) Smarter Balanced – (SBAC) Assessment Data in CALPADS NSLP/FRPM local practices & LCFF impact Questions Aeries Conference
CALPADS Fall 2 Submission Aeries Conference
Final Deadline – April 2, 2015 - THURSDAY Common Issues Fall 2 Submission Final Deadline – April 2, 2015 - THURSDAY Common Issues Title II - NCLB Core Course Compliance EL Services Provided Instructional Strategy Job Class – Itinerant FTE Staff on Leave of Absence Aeries Conference
NCLB Core Course Sections Fall 2 Submission NCLB Core Course Sections Record Element(s) Values and/or Notes CRSE CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code (9.19) Indicates whether the course is considered NCLB core. HQT Competency Code (9.28) Indicates if a course section is being taught by a highly qualified teacher. Required for NCLB course courses (NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code = E or S). Make sure to review your passed CRSE records for CRSE0127 warnings. These warnings highlight courses reported with a CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code that the state expects to be used for an NCLB core course, but have been reported as non-core. The CRS-NCLB Core Course Instructional Level Code values are critical for accurate HQT reporting. The Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations document listed on the Resources slide can tell you whether a course is expected to be NCLB core. Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission CRSE0127 warnings What do these warnings mean? If CRS-State Course Code is indicated as likely to be core then NCLB Core Course may not equal N Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission Refer to the CALPADS Valid Code Combo document found on the CALPADS documentation page Refer to tab “Course Group Master Combos” Y = Always NCLB Core N = Never NCLB Core U = May or may not be NCLB Core Aeries Conference
Options to correct CRSE0127 warnings Fall 2 Submission Options to correct CRSE0127 warnings Update the State Course Code to a Non Core Course or if appropriate Change the NCLB Core to “S” or “E” and report the HQT status Remember Report 3.4 is only including courses that you have flagged (reported) as core courses. It is not including non core courses. Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission EL Services Provided Check for CERT104 Warnings Refer to CALPADS Report 2.4 English Learner Education Services Unduplicated count derived from the field 9.20 - Education Services, per course section Check for CERT104 Warnings The Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled CALPADS Field 9.20 Education Service English Learners, Where to enter in Aeries Elementary on the Teacher Form under “other fields” Secondary on the Master Schedule under “more info” Populate this field if the staff are providing EL services in the particular course section regardless of the Instruction Strategy code. Aeries Conference
Instructional Strategy hierarchy Fall 2 Submission Instructional Strategy hierarchy Special Education Home and Hospital Any of the EL Strategies The Instructional strategy was put in place when the CDE removed specific Special Ed Courses. This is a way to differentiate if the course is instructed specifically special ed, home teaching or EL. You can still have courses with instructional strategy of example 700 Special Ed and still be providing EL services Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission Job Classification Assignment 1 total FTE Assignment reported per Job Class by school, SEID Itinerant - Refer to the valid code combinations and the tab “NonClassSuppAsgn – Job Class” if the staff is teaching non classroom based otherwise relate to the state course codes. Definition for NonClassSuppAsgn – A Job assignment that does NOT involve the instruction of STUDENTS Aeries Conference
Fall 2 Submission Itinerant Staff Staff assigned to more than one school site and/or a teacher who provides one-on-one or small group support or resource instruction by either pulling students out of the classroom, or coming into the classroom to provide the instruction Can report at District or at all assigned sites Reporting student course enrollment is optional Report student course enrollments if EL services are being provided Aeries Conference
Additional Staff/Course Information Fall 2 Submission Additional Staff/Course Information Only courses that provide the primary instruction for a student in an NCLB Core Content Area are subject to NCLB compliance. Courses providing supplemental instruction (pull-out, push-in instruction) in these content areas are NOT subject to NCLB Compliance. Example, if a teacher is providing pull-out instruction in a general math course, rather than mapping your course code to Course Group State Code 2400 (General Math), you should map it to code 3020 (Consultation/instructional support). Staff Leave of Absence New this year – Report assignment code 6018, FTE 0.00 for staff still employed however on leave of absence Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission End of Year Submission Aeries Conference
EOY Reporting Calendar End of Year Submission EOY Reporting Calendar June 1, 2015 July 31, 2015 August 1, 2015 September 4, 2015 Amendment Window Opens Window Opens Initial Deadline Final Deadline Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission Year-round Reporting by Academic Year EOY records attached to open or closed enrollments within the Academic Year included All updates must be posted prior to Certification Report Period = Academic Year July 1, 2014 thru June 30, 2015 Update Year round Year-round Reporting by Academic Year Aeries Conference
EOY Reporting Requirements End of Year Submission EOY Reporting Requirements EOY 1 EOY 2 * EOY 3 * EOY 4 7-12 Course Completion CTE concentrators and completers All Grade levels Program participation counts 9-12 Waiver and Exemptions All Grade levels Discipline Incidents * All LEAs report EOY 2 and EOY 3 EOY 1 and EOY 4 reporting is based on school type and grade levels served Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission ALL EOY EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3 EOY 4 End of Year SENR SINF SPRG – All SELA EOY 1 SCSC CRSC SCTE EOY 2 SPRG EOY 3 SDIS EOY 4 SWAV End of Year File Types Course Completion Program Discipline Waivers & Exemptions Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission File Type Requirement SENR Any open or closed enrollment between 7/1/2014 and 6/30/2015 SINF Complete SINF SPRG For Reporting Counts: Participated in any of the following Ed Program codes 108, 113, 162, 180, 185, 101, 122, 174, 190 Subgroups for filtering: 135, 127, 144, 181, 182 SELA ELAS record CRSC Same as CRSE SCSC - Same as SCSE plus… Student Credits Attempted Student Credits Earned Student Course Final Grade SCTE CTE data only Whether or not the student completed a CTE course in the Academic Year SDIS Student Discipline SWAV Student Waivers SDEM Teachers hired after 10/3/2013 must be added SASS Not required, do not upload or enter Aeries Conference
EOY 3 – Discipline – new requirements End of Year Submission EOY 3 – Discipline – new requirements New File Format & Expanded business rules on grade level Report Discipline Incidents on infants (IN), toddlers (TD), and Preschoolers (PS) who have a program code = 144 New data Element * SDIS file (new field 4.23) – Removal to Interim Alternative Setting A coded value representing the reason a student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less Hearing Officer Removal (1) School Personnel Removal (2) No Removal (3) *This field will not be required for the 2014-15 academic year, but will be required for all special education students for who discipline incidents are reported in the 2015-16 academic year. Aeries Conference
End of Year Submission New Validations and CVRs Validation File/submission Severity Description IVR SDIS Warning 14-15, Fatal 15-16 Validate if an overlapping SPRG record where Education Program Code = 144 (Special Education) and with a Student Offense Code equals 100, 103, 105, 200, 400, 401, 500, 503, 505, 600 - Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code is required Fatal (conditional if 4.23 – Removal to Interim Alternative Setting is submitted) Validate if Interim Alternative Setting Reason Code is populated and not equal to (3) "No Removal" Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days must be less than or equal to 45 Validate if Disciplinary Action Taken Code = 300 (no suspension or expulsion) Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason must = 3 (No Removal) Validate if Disciplinary Action Duration is more than 10 days, then Instructional Support Indicator must be populated. This IVR is effective for all student populations, not just Special Ed. SPRG Prevent usage of field 3.21 Primary Disability Code 281 - established medical disability for students who are not age 3 or 4 Modify existing SDIS0096 If Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code does not equal 300, then Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days must be populated. NOTE: With this modification, the IVR will now be effective for all student populations, not just Special Ed. Validate on Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days - If Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days (Field 4.20) = 0 Then Expulsion Modification Category Code (Field 4.22) must = 100 (Enforcement Suspended) OR 200 (Shortened) Disable current IVR Invalid Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code CVR EOY3 Validate on all current students and trigger on any student who has a reported Primary Disability Code 281 that is not 3 or 4 years of age EOY1 Requires that a student has a SCSC record associated with the CTE Pathway identified in the SCTE file. Warning Warns a district when no SCTE records have been submitted for a Perkins-funded district Aeries Conference
Ways to prepare yourself for EOY End of Year Submission Ways to prepare yourself for EOY Upload Program NOW Check for Discipline quality Stay on top of Vendor updates Discipline will have a new file format as of June 1 – new field Meet and work with local staff Review Problems encountered last year to avoid this year Communicate to sites about what is needed Set timelines Provide reports so staff can address and correct any issues now. Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium CAASPP California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress TOMS Test Operations Management System & CALPADS California Longitudinal Achievement Data System Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Multistate consortium developed student assessment system aligned with common core Designed to measure student progress toward college and career readiness Digital assessments -Demographic data from CALPADS Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC CAASPP TOMS LEA Entry of supports and accommodations & grade level entry for assessment if US, UE reported in CALPADS CALPADS data transferred nightly See updates within 48 hours Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC Students who are not in CALPADS will not be able to access tests Specific student-level data elements must be kept up-to-date in CALPADS, especially before and during testing windows Demographic data is extracted from CALPADS to load into test identification system for Smarter Balanced assessments Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC The Smarter Balanced and CAASPP assessment is relying on CALPADS data as the authoritative source for student test registration in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS). Student demographic, enrollment, and program data are pulled nightly from CALPADS to refresh TOMS. New for the 14-15 School year for CAASPP Pre-Identification – This year, CALPADS student-level data will be used to create Pre-ID labels for the paper-pencil assessments. CALPADS will be the authoritative source for student demographic, enrollment, and program data. LEAs are no longer required to submit Pre-ID files to the test vendor. Student mailing addresses need to be current and accurate in CALPADS. The address will be used to create a mailing label for reporting assessment results to parents. Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC New in Aeries to accommodate the CAASPP mailing labels - SIAD (Student Information Address File) Extract Options are available to use the residential address or the mailing address. The residential address is the default option. The options are as follows: Use RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS in the SINF and SIAD Extracts: This option pulls the following address fields: RAD, RCY, RST, RZC and RZX Use MAILING ADDRESS in the SINF and SIAD Extracts: This option pulls the following address fields: AD, CY, ST, ZC and ZX When subsequent SINF or SIAD files are created the following messages will display: The SIAD and SINF extracts will use the MAILING ADDRESS The last Student Information extract was SIAD on 2/5/2015 using Mailing Address The SINF –will pull the address based on the SIAD Extract address option. The SIAD will extract all the students while the SINF file will continue to extract changes only Refer to Aeries documentation for complete detail and instruction Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC General Timeline regarding major data pull dates from CALPADS January 2015 – Pre-ID labels printing begins, depending on paper-pencil testing window March 2015 – Summative Smarter Balanced testing begins March/April 2015 – Student addresses need to be current and accurate. The addresses will be used to create a mailing label for reporting assessment results to parents. Aeries Conference
Smarter Balanced - SBAC Best Practice tips for CAASPP Refer to Flash 97 for the CALPADS data elements that will be used to populate TOMS During your LEA testing window Update any new enrollments in CALPADS daily to include, current grade, demographic and program data Work with site staff to stay abreast of any data changes on current students that need to be updated in TOMs Update mailing address in CALPADS using the SIAD file from Aeries When testing window is complete remember to update address data back to residential for Direct Certification process Remember keeping your data up to date in CALPADS on a regular basis is good data management however during your LEA testing window, updates are needed daily ONLY IF current student data changes or new students enroll in your LEA. Aeries Conference
Assessment data in CALPADS - Update - Assessment in CALPADS Assessment data in CALPADS - Update - Aeries Conference
Assessment in CALPADS Assessment Functionality in CALPADS CDE is evaluating when to start UAT testing with a small group of LEAs and when to fully implement Key changes Suspense functionality has been streamlined and simplified and is modeled after the current MID anomaly process Select reports modified Capability to search and view student assessment results Aeries Conference
NSLP/FRPM Local Practice NSLP/FRPM local practices & LCFF impact Aeries Conference
NSLP/FRPM Local Practice Two sides to the data FRPM Eligible Year Around FRPM Eligible on Census Day NSLP Application process CALPADs Direct Certification COE Direct Certification Foster Youth Matches Homeless Migrant Based on information day enrollment Eligibility determined via Application by 10-31 CALPADs Direct Certification record by November results COE Direct Certification determined by 10-31 and a NSLP record submitted to CALPADS with a program membership start date - information day or earlier Foster Youth Matches as of 10-1 Homeless Program record as of 10-1 Migrant Program Record as of 10-1 Aeries Conference
NSLP/FRPM Local Practice NSLP Processing Scenarios Nuance Local Lunches and/or Nutrition system CALPADS Aeries Possible resolutions and/or local processes to consider 30 day carry over Entered and tracked in lunch program system NEVER report in CALPADS NEVER report in Aeries Do not roll over the previous year's data in FRE OR do not submit a SPRG file until you have eligibility data in for the current Academic Year. Applications received & student found eligible by 10-31 of reporting year Report eligibility in CALPADS by submitting a Program 181/182 Record FRPM Eligible Reported on 1.17 for LCFF In Aeries - FRE record with an eligible start date on or prior to information day (F or R converted by Aeries to 181 or 182) When no status dates are entered in FRE, Aeries will automatically use July 1 of current year. When no end date is used, Aeries will use the student leave date or last school calendar date. Applications received and student found eligible after 10-31 of reporting year Report eligibility in CALPADS by submitting a Program 181/182 Record with proper eligibility date Not reported on 1.17 for LCFF (even if student enrolled on information day) In Aeries - FRE record with an eligible start date after (F or R converted by Aeries to 181 or 182) Enter current status including eligibility date on FRE record Aeries Conference
NSLP/FRPM Local Practice Ensure staff responsible for each data set fully understand: FRPM (Free Reduced Priced Meal) criteria FRPM for LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) criteria Make sure all coordinators of data sources understand Aeries processes, NSLP and LCFF rules, if your local practice links this data together Work closely with your Nutrition Services Coordinator Document local processes Resources LCFF FAQ FRPM Eligibility CALPADS Frequently asked Questions CSIS/FCMAT Mapping Guides 1.17 Aeries Conference
High Level Summary Fall 2 final deadline EOY Window EOY Changes CAASPP Thursday, April 2 EOY Window June 1 – July 31 Amendment Window – August 1 – September 4 EOY Changes new data element & file format change to SDIS file New CTE CVRs CAASPP Address Data – mailing labels Assessment Functionality in CALPADS Outline NSLP/FRPM data management practices locally Aeries Conference
Questions Aeries Conference