Ready, Teddy God theology and practice of Christian Education with Leslie J Francis
A presentation in three parts Part two Empirical theology (listening to young people)
The Broken Leg
When Teddy Horsley broke his leg, he needed lots of help.
The Broken Leg When Teddy Horsley broke his leg, he needed lots of help and he found support from Mr and Mrs Henry, Lucy and Walter.
The Broken Leg When Teddy Horsley broke his leg, he needed lots of help and he found support from the ambulance driver, the hospital porters, the doctors and the nurses.
The Broken Leg When Teddy Horsley broke his leg, he needed lots of help and he found support from his friends, from Betsy Bear, and from all his family.
Teddy Horsley saw the face of Jesus in all who came to help him.
So what is empirical theology? How is it done?
The classic book 1 Social Context of Theology Robin Gill Mowbray, 1975
The classic book 2 Practical Theology: an empirical approach Johannes van der Ven Pharos, 1993
Empirical theology? How do theologians read the world? How do they read God’s activity in the world? How do they check the claims they make about the world?
Using social science method Intradisciplinary Interdisciplinary
The bench science approach Collaborative team Research students International partners
Luke 14:7-9 When he noticed how the guests were trying to secure the places of honour, he spoke to them in a parable: ‘When you are asked by someone to a wedding-feast, do not sit down in the place of honour. It may be that some person more distinguished than yourself has been invited; and the host will come and say to you, “Give this man your seat.” Then you will look foolish as you begin to take the lowest place.’
Urban Hope and Spiritual Health The adolescent voice by Leslie J Francis and Mandy Robbins
The Challenge From the Children’s Society From the Children’s Society From the Commission on Urban Life and Faith From the Commission on Urban Life and Faith
The Challenge Listening to the young people Listening to the young people Good spiritual health promotes hope Good spiritual health promotes hope What influences spiritual health in young people? What influences spiritual health in young people?
What is the research tradition? Two main traditions Two main traditions Qualitative Qualitative Quantitative Quantitative
Research Context Quantitative Quantitative Self completion questionnaires Self completion questionnaires 163 schools 163 schools 33,982 completed questionnaires 33,982 completed questionnaires 23,418 living in urban areas 23,418 living in urban areas
What is spiritual health? John Fisher John Fisher Four domains of spiritual health Four domains of spiritual health
What is spiritual health? Personal domain Personal domain Communal domain Communal domain Environmental domain Environmental domain Transcendental domain Transcendental domain
Personal domain Internal relationships with self Internal relationships with self Self-awareness Self-awareness Self-esteem Self-esteem Self-identify Self-identify Self-worth Self-worth Meaning in life Meaning in life Value in life Value in life
Communal domain External relationships with others External relationships with others Constructive and satisfying relationships Constructive and satisfying relationships Accepting others and being accepted Accepting others and being accepted Faith in humanity Faith in humanity Justice in relationships Justice in relationships Hope in interpersonal dealings Hope in interpersonal dealings
Environmental domain Relationship with physical and human world Relationship with physical and human world Local level Local level Global level Global level Connectedness between self and universe Connectedness between self and universe Accepting responsibility for sustainable development Accepting responsibility for sustainable development
Transcendental domain Ultimate concern Ultimate concern Cosmic forces Cosmic forces Transpersonal phenomena Transpersonal phenomena Positive/negative worldviews Positive/negative worldviews Personal God Personal God Impersonal life force Impersonal life force Luck or fate Luck or fate
The themes Male and female Growing older North and south Employed fathers Broken homes Anglican schools Catholic schools Christian schools Social engagement Personal prayer ChristiansMuslinsJewsHindusSikhs
Personal domain: overview I feel my life has a sense of purpose 56% I find life really worth living 70% I feel I am not worth much as a person 13% I often feel depressed 52% I have sometimes considered taking my own life27% I often long for someone to turn to for advice 35% I am happy in my school 71%
Communal domain : overview I am worried about my attractiveness to the opposite sex34% I am worried about how I get on with other people51% I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my mother50% I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my father32% I find it helpful to talk about my problems with close friends64% I am worried about being bullied at school 28% I like the people I go to school with90%
Environmental domain: overview There are too many black people living in this country17% I think that immigration into Britain should be restricted32% There is too much violence on television20% I am concerned about the risk of pollution to the environment64% I am concerned about the poverty of the third world59% I am concerned about the risk of nuclear war55% There is nothing I can do to help solve the world’s problems26%
Transcendental domain: overview I believe in God43% I believe in life after death45% The Church seems irrelevant to life today27% The Bible seems irrelevant to life today30% I believe in my horoscope35% I believe fortune-tellers can tell the future20% I believe it is possible to contact the spirits of the dead31%
Male and female
Personal domain I find life really worth living Male 74% Female 65%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at schools Male 25% Female 31%
Environmental domain There is nothing I can do to help solve the world’s problems Male 31% Female 21%
Transcendental domain The Church seems irrelevant to life today Male 33% Female 22%
Growing older
Personal domain I am happy in my school Year 9 72% Year 10 70%
Communal domain I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my mother Year 9 52% Year 10 48%
Environmental domain I think that immigration in Britain should be restricted Year 929% Year 10 35%
Transcendental domain The Bible seems irrelevant to life today Year 929% Year 10 32%
North and South
Personal domain I find life really worth living North 69% South72%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school North 31% South 24%
Environmental domain There are too many black people living in this country North 16% South 21%
Transcendental domain I believe fortune-tellers can tell the future North 22% South 15%
Employed fathers
Personal domain I feel I am not worth much as a person Unemployed16% Employed13%
Communal domain I find it helpful to talk about problems with my father Unemployed26% Employed34%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the poverty of the third world Unemployed53% Employed61%
Transcendental domain I believe fortune-tellers can tell the future Unemployed25% Employed19%
Broken homes
Personal domain I have sometimes considered taking my own life Intact 25% Broken 33%
Communal domain I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my father Intact 33% Broken 28%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the poverty of the third world Intact 61% Broken 55%
Transcendental domain I believe in my horoscope Intact 33% Broken 41%
Anglican schools
Personal domain I often feel depressed Non-denom 52% Anglican 58%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school Non-denom28% Anglican 34%
Environmental domain There is too much violence on Television Non-denom20% Anglican 26%
Transcendental domain I believe in life after death Non-denom 43% Anglican 54%
Catholic schools
Personal domain I feel my life has a sense of purpose Non-denom 54% Catholic 64%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school Non-denom 28% Catholic 31%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the poverty of the third world Non-denom57% Catholic 64%
Transcendental domain I believe in God Non-denom37% Catholic 71%
Christian schools
Personal domain I have sometimes considered taking my own life Non-denom28% Christian 15%
Communal domain I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my close friends Non-denom 63% Christian 75%
Environmental domain There are too many black people living in this country Non-denom18% Christian 6%
Transcendental domain I believe in my horoscope Non-denom36% Christian 8%
Social engagement
Personal domain I find life really worth living Low 63% High 72%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school Low 32% High 27%
Environmental domain I think that immigration into Britain should be restricted Low 27% High 33%
Transcendental domain I believe fortune-tellers can tell the future Low 23% High 20%
Personal prayer
Personal domain I feel my life has a sense of purpose Never48% Sometimes 60% Daily 73%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school Never23% Sometimes 32% Daily 33%
Environmental domain There is nothing I can do to help solve the world’s problems Never32% Sometimes 22% Daily 18%
Transcendental domain I believe in my horoscope Never33% Sometimes 39% Daily 29%
Personal domain ► I am happy in my school ► None 67% ► Christians 74%
Communal domain ► I am worried about being bullied at school ► None25% ► Christians 30%
Environmental domain ► I am concerned about the poverty of the third world ► None 52% ► Christians 66%
Transcendental domain ► I believe in God ► None 24% ► Christians 36%
Personal domain I am happy in my school None 67% Muslims 77%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school None 25% Muslims 34%
Environmental domain There is too much violence on television None 17% Muslims 38%
Transcendental domain I believe in God None 24% Muslims 91%
Personal domain I find life really worth living None68% Jews 87%
Communal domain I find it helpful to talk about my problems with my mother None 48% Jews 76%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the risk of pollution to the environment None 60% Jews 76%
Transcendental domain I believe in God None24% Jews 64%
Personal domain I feel my life has a sense of purpose I feel my life has a sense of purpose None 50% None 50% Hindus 62% Hindus 62%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school I am worried about being bullied at school None 25% None 25% Hindus 34% Hindus 34%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the poverty of the third world I am concerned about the poverty of the third world None 52% None 52% Hindus 74% Hindus 74%
Transcendental domain I believe in God I believe in God None 24% None 24% Hindus 80% Hindus 80%
Personal domain I often long for someone to turn to for advice None 33% Sikhs 40%
Communal domain I am worried about being bullied at school None 25% Sikhs 36%
Environmental domain I am concerned about the poverty of the third world None 52% Sikhs 63%
Transcendental domain I believe in God None 24% Sikhs 75%
Urban Hope and Spiritual Health Over to you Over to you Research informing practice Research informing practice Practical implications of the findings Practical implications of the findings How can the findings influence policy? How can the findings influence policy? How can the findings help those who work with young people? How can the findings help those who work with young people?
Urban Hope and Spiritual Health Over to you Over to you Sign up to fill in new generation of the questionnaire
Urban Hope and Spiritual Health The adolescent voice by Leslie J Francis and Mandy Robbins
So what is empirical theology? How is it done?
A presentation in three parts Part two Empirical theology (listening to young people)