Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 1 Quality Assurance Quality Assurance is an important aspect of Software DevelopmentQuality Assurance is an important aspect of Software Development Some aspects of the Quality AssuranceSome aspects of the Quality Assurance –Unit testing: Developing stubs and testing individual methodsDeveloping stubs and testing individual methods –System Testing: Testing the entire integrated systemTesting the entire integrated system –Regression Testing: Repeating tests which have previously verified in order to verify a subsequent revision of that same productRepeating tests which have previously verified in order to verify a subsequent revision of that same product –Acceptance testing: Determining whether a system will be accepted by the customerDetermining whether a system will be accepted by the customer This is the focus of rest of this module!
Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 2 Acceptance Testing Consider… what kind of activities would you expect to be able to perform at Amazon.comConsider… what kind of activities would you expect to be able to perform at –Locate a book –Buy a book –Buy a DVD –Pay by American Express All these are example of acceptance testingAll these are example of acceptance testing
Fundamentals of Software Development 1Slide 3 Passing and Failing Acceptance testing is usually the last things done before releaseAcceptance testing is usually the last things done before release If a software system passes all acceptance tests then it can be releasedIf a software system passes all acceptance tests then it can be released If a software system fails one of more acceptance tests then you have a decision to make:If a software system fails one of more acceptance tests then you have a decision to make: –Do you release with known problems? –Do you delay the release to fix problem? Which one would you choose?Which one would you choose? –(Hint: in real life the answer is sometimes not unanimous)