Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Chapter 11, 32: operation contracts & System Sequence diagrams
What will we learn? Operation Contracts – how to define the system operations, and how to create contracts for them Define SSDs and Operation Contracts for the example case studies
Operation Contracts Often, the use cases and SSDs are enough to describe the system Sometimes, more detail of the system behavior is required, and that is where Operation Contracts are used The Use-Case Model and Domain Model are the main OOA artifacts, but Operation Contracts and State Models are also helpful Remember the SSDs are part of the Use-Case Model artifact Actually, the Operation Contracts are considered part of the Use-Case Model, since they usually expand upon the SSD
Operation Contracts Operation Contracts describe pre- and post-condition changes to the objects in the Domain Model as a result of a system operation. They are text based documentation. Before looking at them in detail, let’s consider an example (terms like (instance creation) are added for explanation in this example, and would not be part of the actual contract): Contract CO2: enterItem Operation: enterItem(itemID: itemID, quantity: integer) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: There is a sale underway Postconditions: -A SalesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation) -sli was associated ith the current Sale (association formed) -sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification) -sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match (association formed)
Operations Contracts - Sections The sections of an Operations Contract are: Operation: Name of the operation, and parameters Cross References: Use cases this operation can occur within Preconditions: Noteworthy assumptions about the state of the system or objects in the Domain Model before execution of the operation. These are non-trivial assumptions the reader should be aware of. Postconditions: The most important section. The state of objects in the Domain Model after the completion of the operation.
System Operations System operations can be thought of as operations the system (as a black-box) offers to its users They are identified when the SSDs are created The SSDs show system events which usually trigger system operations Some of the system events are input events (see next slide) The entire set of system operations, across all use cases, defines a public interface which views the system as one single component or class.
Operation Contracts: Postconditions The postcondition describes changes in the state of objects in the Domain Model. Such changes include instance creation, associations formed or broken, and attributes changed. Note that postconditions are not actions to be performed during the operation! Postconditions describe the changes to the object, they do not explain how the changes are done Breaking an association is rare, but can happen (cancel sale, for example) Instance deletion is also rare; remember, we are still in the Domain Model, not the actual software classes, so freeing up memory is not an issue
Operation Contracts: Postconditions The instances and associations that are created by an Operation Contract appear in the Domain Model – the contract should capture the behavior expressed in the Use Case Model as it relates to the objects and associations in the Domain Model Note that postconditions (and in fact Operation Contracts) are optional – not every operation needs a contract, and often the postconditions are obvious and do not need to be documented This is another tool to help understand the system behavior Again, this is an analysis tool – it will help define what changes, not how it changes Usually postconditions are written in the past tense – A SalesLineItem was created, not is created
Example: enterItem Postconditions Look at the types of changes identified in the enterItem postcondition First, recall the Main Scenario of the Process Sale use case (pg 69 of the book): Main Success Scenario: … 3. Cashier enters item identifier 4. System records sale line item and presents item description, price, and running total. Price calculated from a set of price rules. … Also, recall the Domain Model and SSD for this example (next slides):
Operation Contracts Contract CO2: enterItem Operation: enterItem(itemID: itemID, quantity: integer) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: There is a sale underway Postconditions: -A SalesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation) -sli was associated ith the current Sale (association formed) -sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification) -sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match (association formed)
enterItem Postcondition: Putting it Together Instance Creation and Deletion: After itemID and quantity have been entered by the Cashier, the SalesLineItem object is created This can be determined by the use case and Domain Model (composition of Sales) Hence the postcondition: “A SalesLineItem instance sli was created” Attribute Modification: From the Domain Model, we see that the quantity attribute of the SalesLineItem is derived, or calculated. This value is entered by the Cashier (not mentioned in the use case, but shown in the SSD). This gives the postcondition: “sli.quantity became quantity”
enterItem Postcondition: Putting it Together Associations Formed or Broken: After itemID and quantity are entered by the Cashier, and after we create the new SalesLineItem object, we must form an association with the ProductDescription object, as noted in the Domain Model. The new SalesLineItem is also associated with the Sale object. This gives the following postconditions: “sli was associated with the current Sale.” “sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based upon itemID match” Note that the original Domain Model did not show the SalesLineItem to ProductDescription association as being qualified by itemID, but this does not mean we can’t include text in the postcondition that describes how sli is associated with ProductDescription.
Review How to analyze a system: Use cases: Identify the main actors, and create the stories of how they interact. Add in details for each scenario Domain Model: Identify the main conceptual classes (look for nouns in the use cases) and how they are associated with each other (look for verbs in the use cases) System Sequence Diagrams: Create diagrams that show the system events that occur between the system (as one big black box) and the users Operations Contracts – detail any system operations that occur to impart changes to the system objects as a result of the system events – relies on Domain Model, use cases, and SSDs The use cases (text) and possible use case diagram, SSDs, and Operations Contracts make up the Use-Case Model artifact in UP The Domain Model is a separate artifact, sometimes included in the Business Modeling artifact
How to Create Operations Contracts Identify the system operations from the SSDs For complex system operations, or operations that may be subtle or not clearly understood, construct a contract To describe the postconditions, use the following categories: Instance creation or deletion Attribute modification Associations formed or broken Tip: Always use past tense, and if an instance is created, make sure you add an association for the new instance.
Back to the Process Sale use case SSD:
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO1: makeNewSale Operation: makeNewSale() Cross References: Uses cases: Process Sale Preconditions: none Postconditions: - A Sale instance s was created - s was associated with a Register - Attributes of s were initialized Note that for this case, the contract is obvious and probably would not actually be written. Remember, these are system description tools, and we are not trying to document every change in the system; we just need to explain any operations that may not be obvious.
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO2: enterItem Operation: enterItem(itemID: itemID, quantity: integer) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: There is a sale underway Postconditions: -A SalesLineItem instance sli was created -sli was associated with the current Sale s -sli.quantity became quantity -sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match We saw this example earlier; this is more detailed and not as obvious as CO1, so it is reasonable to include this.
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO3: endSale Operation: endSale() Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: There is a sale underway Postconditions: - s.isComplete became true Note that according to the Domain Model, the Sale object does not have an isComplete attribute, but this is a suggested addition that occurred when we created the Operation Contract for endSale. We can then go back and modify the Domain Model to include this new attribute – an example of iterative development.
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO4: makePayment Operation: makePayment(amount: Money) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: There is a sale underway Postconditions: - A Payment instance p was created - p.amountTendered became amount - p was associated with the current Sale s - The current Sale s was associated with the Store Note the last association that was formed creates the association “logs-completed” between Sale and Store in the Domain Diagram.
NextGen POS: Expanding the SSDs We now want to expand the basic Process Sales SSD we created earlier to include an expanded payment option This would occur, for example, in a further iteration in the Elaboration phase Recall the first iteration only included cash payments; then we enhanced the Domain Model to include credit and check, and added subclasses to the Domain Model to reflect this We will enhance the existing SSD to include these new details, and also add Operation Contracts to explain them Note that in this next iteration, the makePayment operation that we previously defined would be renamed “makeCashPayment” First, let’s recall the expanded Domain Model for these types of payments
The basic scenario we have been working with:
Adding pay by credit; note that the Accounts object (Accounts Receivable in the Domain Model) gets updated.
Adding pay by check:
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO5: makeCreditPayment Operation: makeCreditPayment(creditAccountNumber, expiryDate) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: An underway sale exists and all items have been entered Postconditions: - A CreditPayment pmt was created - pmt was associated with the current Sale s - a CreditCard cc was created, cc.number = creditAccountNumber, cc.expiryDate = expiryDate - cc was associated with pmt - a CreditCardPaymentRequest cpr was created - pmt was associated with cpr - a ReceivableEntry re was created - re was associated with the external Accounts Receivable - The current sale s was associated with the Store as a completed sale
NextGen POS Operation Contracts Contract CO6: makeCheckPayment Operation: makeCheckPayment(driversLicenseNumber) Cross Reference: Use Cases: Process Sales Preconditions: An underway sale exists and all items have been entered Postconditions: - a CheckPayment pmt was created - pmt was associated with the current sale s - a DriverLicense dl was created; dl.number = driversLicenseNumber - dl was associated with pmt - a CheckPaymentRequest cpr was created - pmt was associated with cpr - current sale s was associated with the Store as a completed sale
Takeaways from Chapter 11, 32 Understand how to create Operations Contracts, based upon details from the use cases, SSDs, and Domain Models. Know the three type of postconditions and how to write them