Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Development of national oil pollution system - our experience in using different tools for prediction and preparedness. Director: Prof. Inessa Loyeva Presented by: Head of Division Richard Lisovskiy, scientific researcher Sector GIS CZMA Oleksandr Neprokin Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Summary The Centre has been established in 1969 as the Odessa branch State Oceanographic Institute and in 28 January 1992 renamed as Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea to provide scientific support of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection, utilization and renewal of natural resources of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and to ensure fulfilment of the international engagements of Ukraine that arise out of the signed conventions, treaties and agreements. In accordance with the Strategic Action Plan for Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea the Centre has been accredited as the Regional Activity Centre on Pollution Monitoring and Assessment. in 1996 and in 2010 a TOR for the RAC PMA was signed between the BSC and the RAC PMA.
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Activities Regulation of the use of the Black and Azov Sea basin environment; Development of the use of the Black and Azov Sea basin environment. Scientific problems of ecological expertise audit; Monitoring of the environment; Development of information systems; Development and maintenance of data bases interactive map services; International obligations in the sphere of environmental protection; Development of new methods and methodology of taking measurements.
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Analytical equipment GC/MS Agilent GC/MS MD 800, GC Mega 2 HRGC 8560 with capillary column and ECD, “Fisons Instruments”, Graphite Furnace AAS “Spectr-AA-800” - “Varian”, Flame AAS “Spectr-AA-220” – “Varian”, Spectrofluorometer SPF-500 – “Aminco”, IR Spectrophotometers – –“Spekord M80”, –“UR-20”, UV-VIS spectrophotometers –“Cary 1-E”, –“Shimadzu”, –“Helios”, pH-meters –“I-130”, –“ph-530”, laboratory balances: “BR110D”,BR 211D, both “Sartorius” and E – “OXAUS”.
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Technical capabilities of UkrSCES Software: –MS WINDOWS 2003 server (licensed) – OS + IIS – Internet service; –MS SQL 2000 (licensed) – database server; –ESRI SDE (licensed), 9.1 – spatial data DBMS; –ESRI IMS (licensed) 9.1 – mapping system for INTERNET, –ESRI ArcEDITOR 9.1 – Geographic Information System, –ESRI ArcView 3.1 – Geographic Information System. Hardware: –Database server DualCore XEON, 2 Gb RAM, 320 Gb HDD; –Server–mirror DualCore XEON, 2 Gb RAM, 250 Gb; –Server web-service DualCore XEON, 2 Gb RAM, 180 Gb; 25 компьютеров класса Pentium IV; Communications –Internet channel - IP ТЕNЕТ –WWW–server ( ).
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Nautical charts S-57
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Processing of nautical charts S-57 In the past years 39 nautical charts were obtained from UkrMorCartographiy and converted into shapefiles to use them in ArcGIS and ArcIMS
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Updated ESI-maps In the new system the layers with ESI of the coast line were built on the basis of marine nautical charts «Tarkhankut - Sevastopol», «Sevastopol - Meganom», «Feodosiya-Anapa» (Scale 1: ) Odessa area was indexed on the basis of the nautical chart «Approaches to the ports Odessa - Il'ichevsk - Yuzhniy» (Scale 1:50 000) The layers «Objects sensitive to oil spills» were updated (new objects were added) The work on the indexation of the Azov Sea coast line is on progress (nautical charts «Western part of Azov sea» and «Eastern part of Azov sea » (Scale 1: ))
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting ESI-maps verification Sheltered Artificial Structures Environmental Sensitivity Index: 8 Sandy beach Environmental Sensitivity Index: 3
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Model allows to: predict how wind, currents, and other processes might move and spread oil spilled on the water. learn how predicted oil trajectories are affected by inexactness ("uncertainty") in current and wind observations and forecasts. see how spilled oil is predicted to change chemically and physically ("weather") during the time that it remains on the water surface. GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) is the oil spill trajectory model used by GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) is the oil spill trajectory model used by our specialists to set up custom scenarios quickly. For that aims GNOME was adopted to the conditions of NWBS (location files were created).
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Using GNOME with ESI-maps (simple analisis)
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting AIS-data Hydrometeorological Agencies Data (forecast) GNOME data processing Remote Sensing Data ArcIMS ADIOS 2 WEB-form (all available information about the oil discharge) VT Explorer Requirements to the data collecting and online output of the National oil pollution system (decision support system) Online output EMSA CleanSeaNet
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Requirements for the Interactive map service (layers) Information which covers the following aspects is necessary for the full functionality of the service: 1. areas most sensitive and vulnerable to oil spills ESI-maps 2. traffic and risk distribution Maritime traffic statistics (AIS density) Illegal oil discharge statistics 3. available resources for combating oil spills in the Black Sea area. Response vessels Firefighters Aircrafts
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting New Interactive map service
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Cooperation 1.Gaining/exchange experience (HELCOM, UNEP, UNDP, Black Sea Commission, SeaDataNet) 2.Data collecting/exchange (national, regional, local agencies and units of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine,Ministry of Emergency Response, etc)
Trabzon, October MONINFO Project Stakeholders Meeting Looking forward – perspective directions To obtain modern software (ArcGIS Server 10, ERDAS Imagine 2010) To obtain cartographic materials (big scale electronic topographic charts on national & local level, nautical charts for l the whole Black Sea ) Using AIS data for the Black Sea region (for example software VT-Explorer with the capability to store databases for marine traffic) Using/processing remote sensing data on illegal oil discharges in the Black Sea region (for example EMSA CleanSeaNet satellite images with the appropriate software to process them) Development of the Black Sea decision support expert system such as SeaTrack in the Baltic region (our contribution could be input to the development of the Ukrainian part of the system and cartographic material collected (GIS layers))
Thank you for attention!