Building Expansion Council Connection 2015 Feb 22
E3C Growth and Expansion Snap Shot , st Sanctuary nd Education Wing rd Property purchase th Auditorium & 2 storeys Education Building th Multi Purpose 2 storeys Bldg
Options Considered / Studied 2009 Relocate to a different site 2012 Purchase land in SW Edmonton The 4.9 Growth Strategy endorsed in the church Leaders Round Table in December All church elders & deacons further endorsed the one site multi-congregations & services, namely 4.9 Growth Strategy as to propose the existing site expansion
4.9 ECCC 4.9 Growth Strategy We will continue to grow as a “one site multi congregations & services” church in next 5 years We will maximize use of our existing facilities as a platform to connect lives with believers and un- churched people We will continue to equip and develop our congregations to further expand God’s kingdom in Edmonton and beyond.
Sunday Worship Cantonese Congregation Sunday Worship Cantonese Congregation Sunday Worship Sunday Children Worship Saturday Evening Worship Second Cantonese Worship English Sunday Worship English Congregation Sunday Morning Worship English Congregation Sunday Morning Worship Mandarin Sunday Worship Sunday Children Worship Saturday Evening Worship Elevation Sunday Evening Worship Sunday Evening Worship Mandarin Congregation Sunday Worship Mandarin Congregation Sunday Worship Second Mandarin Worship Saturday Church Congregation Saturday Evening Worship
Former site of Pastoral Bldg N Sanctuary A- Entrance Auditorium & Gym Founders’ Hall Proposed New Entrance
Building Expansion Project Total Project Cost Estimate $3.8 millions Target Completion 2016 Quarter 3
ECCC Site Cost Past & Present SiteBuilt Cost to ECCC Sq. ft. Estimated to Year build in 2014 Sanctuary 1987$330,0005,000$1,500,000 Education Wing 1991$250,0003,000$900,000 Old School 1965$500,0009,000$2,700,000 Audi-nasium, 2003$2,500,00026,000$7,800,000 & 2 Storeys Debt Free in 2008 Edu. Bldg. Total $3,580,00043,000 $12,900,000 Ave. home 1992$160,0002,000$500,000 Expansion ,000 $3,800,000
The Strategic Direction of ECCC Growth and Expansion Mode Duration Expansion Reason Area/Cost Between Expansions 1987 (1 st ) 4yrs. after Basic need for 5,000 sq ft from 200 to 320 Sanctuarychurch a single $330, worshipers established congregation church 1991 (2 nd ) 4yrs. after Basic need for 3,000 sq ft from 320 to 400 Education 1 st expansion a bilingual $250, worshipers Wing congregation church 2003 (4 th ) 12yrs. after Growth need for 26,000 sq ft from 400 to 699 Audi-nasium 2 nd expansion a trilingual $2,500, worshipers & 2 Storeys congregation church Edu. Bldg. (5yrs. debt free) 2015 (5 th ) 12yrs. after Strategic need for 11,000 sq ft from 699 to 1,125 Multi-purpose 4 th expansion developing a 4.9 $3,800, worshipers 2 Storeys Bldg. multi-congregations (budget) triplex church
4 Methods to Raise Funds 1. Church Reserve 2. Building Fund Offering 3. Bond Program 4. Mortgage Reserve Building Fund Offering Bonds Mortgage
$3.8 million
ECCC Governing Documents & Structure Full Compliance to Charities Act of Canada Income Tax Act of Canada Governing Documents Constitution By-Laws/Regulations Governing Structure Regular Members Deacon Boards Elders Team Council Board Members Governing Boards
You Are the Decision Maker Total Declared Regular Members Required a min. of 2/3 of all Regular Members to vote for a major decision as this validated return ballots Your name and signature on the ballot are required solely for validation purpose. Cantonese312 English211 Mandarin222 Saturday Church 87 Total832
Counting Votes The return ballots would be counted in the Library at 6:30 pm March 8, after SEW Ballots counting members English CongregationCantonese Congregation Lawrence Lee Andrew Wong Hieu Ho Gilbert Wong Daniel Wong Laurence Lo Mandarin CongregationSaturday Church Congregation Peter Ding Wendy Wong Jian Zhang Anson Wong Council Secretary Olive Li
Moving Forward ECCC Needs Your Endorsements Your Prayers Your Participations & Engagements Your Supports Referendum by Regular Members Scheduled for March 7 & 8 You may vote by proxy, see your congregational pastor Rev Ling
I would like to quote Joshua 3:9-17 in my personal sharing points related to the events and circumstances before Joshua leading the people of Israel crossing the River of Jordan.
9 And Joshua said to the people of Israel, “Come here and listen to the words of the L ORD your God.” 10 And Joshua said, “Here is how you shall know that the living God is among you and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth [b] is passing over before you into the Jordan. 12 Now therefore take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, from each tribe a man. 13 And when the soles of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the L ORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap.”b 14 So when the people set out from their tents to pass over the Jordan with the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people, 15 and as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (now the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest), 16 the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away, at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan, and those flowing down toward the Sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. And the people passed over opposite Jericho. 17 Now the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the L ORD stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all Israel was passing over on dry ground until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan Joshua 3:9-17 (ESV)
Joshua 3:9-17 with the following 3 key points Unity – all 12 tribe leaders followed Joshua commends God selects the best time to manifest His might – Jordan was overflowing when they crossed Reacting to circumstances vs Strategic manoeuvering i.e. – The enemies were behind them when they crossed the Red Sea – The enemies were in front of them when they crossed the Jordan
At this stage of the project, I feel like I am Joshua. I have experienced many miracles God has done to ECCC. To name a few : Putting up two buildings (the sanctuary and the existing pastoral wing) before we own the land was purely faith of our forefathers, especially during the 1980’s. Costing the church merely $500k for the 2.6+ acres of land plus 9,000 sq ft of the building just as manna from heaven. Became debt free in less than 5 years after the 2003 expansion was God’s work and strong commitments of our members.
I have experienced them all. Now I am an OLD man, I have the calling to share what I have experienced with the younger ones and remind others of God’s blessing to ECCC.
Further Questions I will be available after the service Consult with any council members, deacons or pastors Check out ECCC web site Use ECCC suggestion boxes Invite me or any Project Focus Group members to interact with your small groups